The story begins as this..

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*What I imagine Y/n looks like*2,576 words_______________________________

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*What I imagine Y/n looks like*
2,576 words

I mindlessly stare out of the car window as i'm driven back to the station fidgeting with my hands as the pair in the drivers seat chat amongst themselves.

'Well that was... odd,' I ponder silently. As we leave the parking lot of the bar, Nathan's words ring in my head...

"Don't trust him, Y/n," No explanation. Just a cautionary warning against the man.

But we haven't gotten there yet. Let me start at the beginning. I moved to Haven from San Francisco last year. I wanted a fresh start and some peace away from the big city I grew up in, so I moved here in hopes of some small-town peace and quiet. However, I quickly learned that I had gotten myself into quite the opposite.

Haven is.. different than other towns to say the least. In Haven, some people have certain "supernatural" type abilities. Some call them "freaks" or "monsters" but the locals call them troubled. Since moving here last year I'd noticed strange and slightly unexplainable things happening to the people here, I later learned of these people through local childish legends.

I didn't believe any of them at first, I mean who would? A woman who controls the weather by just her emotions, a man who can't touch anything or it disintegrates, and quite a bit more; It's insane. As I accepted this new reality of the troubles, I slowly started to get acquainted with the locals.

I met the Teague brothers, Vince and Dave. They own the local paper and cover up all the mishaps the troubles cause, it's astounding how easily this town believes mass explosions and earthquakes are just "gas leaks". I later met Dwight Hendrickson, formally known as "the cleaner" now deputy Hendrickson at the station here in town. I had heard so many stories about the coverups and things he'd done for the local police to hide the truth of the troubles, that meeting him felt surreal.. like meeting a celebrity in a sense. And then I met the local cops; Stan and the whole lot, but more importantly officers Nathan Wuornos and Audrey Parker, one troubled, one not. As I got to know them both and we became friends I found out they were together. Kind of a couple but lowkey about it. Audrey doesn't like PDA at work so it's honestly not noticeable unless you're close with them both. Audrey will occasionally tell me about him, fights, cases, cute moments etc. and they seem happy together.

As time went on, about six months after I came here, 'Chief Wuornos' as he's typically called, offered me a place in the station alongside Audrey, and I gladly took the opportunity. I was already super close with everyone so it was a no-brainer. I'd always wanted to help others, being a cop was my dream, I'd loved crime shows and solving things since I was little; but in a big city being a cop can be quite dangerous, so I never pursued my dream.. I never thought it was realistic until now, I was so excited and I immediately said yes!

My first day on the job came and went, it was just simple things at first. A few escapes from the insane asylum, completely unrelated to the troubles. Although I had heard that once there was a case Nathan worked with someone who completely changed some of the people there just by singing. this town gets weirder the longer I stay, but I enjoy it.

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