Old feuds.

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I'm beyond sorry this took like 4-6 months to get done. I had a lot of drama happen. It honestly wouldn't be done right now if it wasn't for my best friend AAluvs4L so huge shoutout to her. Highly recommend checking out her book. I hope y'all enjoy, this is one of the longest chapters I've ever written! Much love <3
7,673 words

"Y/N WAKE UP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK." I hear Audrey shout through my bedroom wall.

I groan sleepily, trying to get out of bed as she repeatedly bangs on my door.

I stand to my feet, take a few steps, and swing the door open, seeing a fully dressed and ready Audrey before me.

"What... What is it?!" I ask, annoyed by being woken up.

"Y/n I thought you were up an hour ago! It's Five AM! We needed to leave at Five AM! GET DRESSED!" She urges.

My eyes widen, immediately panicking at the fact I don't have time to get dressed.

"Oh shit!" I mumble, slamming the door and grabbing the closest pair of jeans and tank top I can find, quickly throwing on some Converse.

I swing open my door, in the middle of tying up my hair.

"OKAY, I'M READY." I shout.

"GO, GO, GO!" Audrey shouts, rushing me out to her car.

We finally make it out the door at 5:09, making us late.

We hop in Audrey's car, speeding off to our destination as Nathan calls Audrey's cell.

"Hi, Nathan." I answer, putting him on speakerphone.

"Where the hell are you guys?" Nathan implores.

"We're on our way. We're gonna be a bit late." Audrey explains.

"Well, get here quick. We already have a new case." Nathan tells.

Audrey and I groan in unison.

"Lay it on us." I state, wanting to at least be prepared for what I'm about to walk into.

"A body was found about a mile from the station. It's been taped off but we need you two here." He explains.

"Okay. Thanks, Nathan." I state, hanging up.

I let out a sigh, still tired.

"I just wanna go back to sleep." I whine in Audrey's direction.

She doesn't respond, instead taking a deep breath before changing the topic.

"Have you thought about what you're gonna say to Wade at all?" She questions.

"No..." I admit.

"What did he say again?" She replies, requesting another explanation of what happened in our talk.

"He said he'd give me time to think about it, but I don't know how long that is. I don't wanna overthink and waste time, what if he thinks I don't want to stay with him if I take too long?" I question.

"I'm sure he won't think that way.." She attempts.

"Why wouldn't he?" I think aloud.

She pauses, I assume trying to find a way to rationalize my overthinking mind.

"Listen." She begins.

"He seems to like you. I know I've had my differing opinions with him..." She trails off, remembering our big fight in the apartment almost two months ago.

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