Chapter 3: Forest Trip

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The ferns brushed against Ves's dark fur, sometimes tearing off small chunks. He never imagined the start of the forest to be so muddy.

"How's everyone holding up?" Ves called behind him.

"Fine," Bumble responded from a few paw-lengths behind Ves. Onary walked next to Keshinia, looking tired.


Ves came back to the campsite with sticks on his back and mouth. Bumble lifted his head from his paws and looked at Ves then Onary. Ves placed the sticks on the floor and looked at Bumble and nudged his head to the left. Bumble got up and followed Ves.

"I know what you're thinking," Ves whispered. "And no. We're not going to force Onary to use his powers."

"He's gotta learn how to do it. Unless you want to wait until the war is over. Who knows how long that'll take." Ves groaned.

"Fine," he hissed and headed back to the others.

"Onary, want to try out your powers?" Bumble asked, wrapping his tail around the small green cat. Hesitant, Onary nodded. He opened his mouth, leaned at the pile of sticks, and blew. But nothing came out. He looked at Bumble.

"Try again," he encouraged. Onary repeated the steps he did before but this time, fire came out. The sticks soon turned burning, and a fire was started.

"I did it!" Onary exclaimed. Keshinia ruffed Onary's head tuft and Bumble placed his paw on Onary's shoulder.

"Proud of you, little brother," Keshinia said. smiling.

"Keep on practicing. Soon you'll get better," Bumble comforted.

"I wonder what other powers I have!" Onary smiled at his siblings.

"Able to control fire, fire breath, and heated paws," Ves mumbled. The others looked at him.

"How do you know that?" Keshinia asked. Ves looked at her.

"I-uh, read it in a book," Ves told her. "And don't ask what book for I don't remember." He knew his little sister was smart and would do anything to try and find the truth. She turned away from him.

Ves turned to the side of him and saw a bright light in the forest. It was like it was calling out to him. He had to investigate. He marched off into the forest before being stopped by Keshinia.

"Where you going?" she asked.

"Just getting more firewood, Kesh." He quickly disappeared from the others and started to run towards the light. Once in a while, he stopped and smelt the air. And every time, he smelt the same unfamiliar scent along with the scent the forest gave.

Ves hid in the tall grass once he got close enough to the strange light. It was a cat! A Ratio cat. He imminently looked around for the sound of a branch snapping and someone screaming.

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