Chapter 7: The Chikyū Kingdom

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Ves placed his paw in front of the other for a while until he was told to stop by the General, Nolian. Her face was still sheltered by the dark green leaf-like mask. Misseg, the one that captured him, chatted with the General. He could make out what they were saying very clearly.

"What do you think Lord Maisl will do to these intruders? Prison them? Kill them?" The light blue cat flicked his tail and looked back at Ves, who stared at him. 

"Misseg, I believe they are who they say they are. If they say they're by passers, then by passers they shall be. Trust me, honey, you don't need to worry on Feather, if that's what you're thinking about." Nolian licked Misseg on his forehead. 

"I know, I know. It's just, being a first-time father is hard enough, and with both of us of being a guard, you being the General, it's a little hard to just get family time with him," Misseg worried. 

"Feather will be fine. He's our son. He's strong and smart. Smart enough to get him out of trouble, anyway," Nolian comforted Misseg. They leaned into each other as they walked.

"So, where are you guys from?" a voice exclaimed from Ves's side, spooking him.


"Well, since you four siblings all have different powers, I figure you're not from a Tribe, or Tribe territory." The pink and reddish cat looked at him, a smile on his face. 

"Well, we were born at Horil, one of the places on Gimonia where it isn't ruled by a Lord or Lady. Instead, it's ruled by a Warden. They don't have much control unlike a Lord or Lady, but they're sometimes not tyrants," Ves explained.

"Seems like it must've been fun. Whats-" 

"Prince Sarga! Do not interact with the captives," General Nolian hissed. She then motioned a nearby guard to push Ves closer to her and Misseg then moved Sarga away from him and the group. 

"What's your deal, Kaze cat?" the General growled, her ears pinned, and claws unsheathed. The armor seemed to shimmer a little when the sun hit it.

"I have a name, you know?" he replied. 

"Don't you speak to the General like that!" Misseg hissed, tempted to slash him against his face. 

"Oh! I'm sorry! I guess I should just follow every General in every tribe, even though I was never born in one! Great idea!" Ves hollered, trying to sound sarcastic. Misseg turned around a face him, getting ready to pounce but Nolian stepped in front of him. 

"Nolian?" he whispered. 

"Just keep walking. We must get to Lord Maisl immediately." Ves flicked his fluffy, black tail and eyed Nolian and Misseg. As he turned to face his siblings, he noticed how terrified Onary was. He wrapped his tail around the young, green cat. 

"No need to worry," he said as he comforted his younger brother.


As the group walked through a tunnel inside a mountain, Ves looked through the side where there were openings between the pillars. Cats with leaf-like armor and belt with swords sat inside the pillar openings. He could see a castle overlooking a vast lake and a massive forest along the shoreline. 

"Welcome to the Chikyu Kingdom," Nolian meowed. Infront of them, a large gray castle stood on a cliff overlooking the lake. 

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