Chapter 10: Prisoner

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Fodder led the group of cats into the throne room where Kitial sat. 

"Kitial, I have a gift for you," he said, grinning. He stood to the side and revealed the two soldiers holding a motionless Ves. 

"And why have you brought me this cat?" Kitial growled. Moone turned away from him and looked at the general. 

"Because he's useful to us, my Lord. This is my brother, Ves, and-" he started. 

"I don't care if he is your brother," Kitial interrupted. Jilom walked into the room with Lilac.

"Did you hear my father? He doesn't care. So might as well finish your little story." Fodder looked at Jilom and barred his teeth. 

"I heard him! As said it a second ago. Why don't you-"

"I'm not interested in your rivalry! You've already waisted my time, so hurry up. I have stuff I need to do."

"I'm sorry, my Lord," Fodder apologized. "I have found out that Ves can be useful to us. He's an Erementaru. He can help us win the war when we can control him." 

"Great job, General Fodder. Put him in the dungeons. Make sure he has the Element proof chains on. We'll control him once we have time."

"I hate to say this, Lord Kitial, but I have run out of mind control chips. It'll make me a few days to make more. Plus, we've only used them on Doku cats. I'm not positive it'd work on an Erementaru." Kitial sighed. 

"Very well. Just store him in the dungeon. Probably away from the other prisoners. Lilac, take some soldiers and get some more materials. Fodder, I want you to make sure he's nice and comfy." Lilac, Fodder, and a few soldiers nodded and sent off to their different tasks. Fodder ordered some soldiers to drag Ves and to follow him.

"Oooo, who's he? He looks-"

"Like someone you don't want to mess with. Go patrol the borders, Tilu." The purple cat rolled her eyes and watched as the General and some soldiers carried the black cat away. They entered a doorway leading to a dark and ominous stairway. The stairs were old and wet. Water dripped from the ceiling. They passed multiple cells before approaching the last one. 

"Put him in here. And make sure the chains are on tight! We can't afford to lose him." The soldiers obeyed Fodder's instructions. They set him on the cold stone floor before putting a chain around his neck. "Stand guard. Alert me when he awakes. I'd like to enjoy a little chat."


His vision came back blurry, foggy. His head hurt tremendously. Is this what waking up after being shot with a sleeping dart feels like?  he thought to himself. He went to stand himself up and walk, but he was held down by the chain around his neck.

"What the..."

"Good, he's awake. Thought we killed him," on guard said.

"Idiot! Go get Fodder!" the other hissed. Ves approached his cell bars as the other guard raced away.

"Hey! What am I doing here?" he asked in a sassy tone.

"I'm surrounded by pea-sized brain morons," the guard groaned. "You were captured by General Fodder and are going to be used to win the war for Lord Kitial." Ves gasped and took a step back from the bars.

"I'm not going to be used like that!"

"You don't really have a choice. Honestly, I'd be honored that you are serving Lord Kitial as a weapon. Not many cats get chosen to do that. But it also doesn't help that you're an Erementaru, so I guess you have that."

"Jolanthe! Stop talking with the enemy." Fodder growled from behind the guard. "He's dangerous. Unpredictable. You listen to my orders. Don't talk to him."

"Yes, General Fodder," she responded, backing away.

"Leave me. And bring Lord Kitial while you're at it." Jolanthe bowed her head and darted away as fast as she could. Fodder turned his head to Ves and stared at him.

"Why did you choose to leave us? For the Dark Tribe?"

"Kitial gave me a life our parents couldn't: power. I wasn't about to return to normal life after being in the hardest and highest position any cat could earn besides Lord or Lady. You could've had this life too, but you were always too busy with our father. And that's why I killed him!"

"Wha-what?" Tears formed from Ves's eyes. "You killed dad?!" He scanned the area for his father's bandana, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Yes. It repaid me for the lost once you were born. You were always mom and dad's favorite, saying you'll do wonderful things when you grow up. Well, look where you are now. In a cell surrounded by soldiers under my command. Your friends probably are glad you're gone."

Ves turned his back to Fodder. He couldn't dare face him after what he just admitted. He killed dad. His own father! The power had gotten to his head. He's never going to be the same again. 

"Lord Kitial," Fodder said. He bowed in the cat's presence. "I called you hear because our prisoner is awake. I thought we'd like to tell him what plans are instore for him." The red cat walked closer to Fodder and Ves, smiling.

"What do you want with me?" Ves growled.

"It's simple really. Your power," Kitial responded. "You are an extremely rare cat. Having power to control all the elements? Why, who wouldn't want that? Once Lilac has made more mind control chips, you'll become a mindless cat just like my Doku minions."

"And yes, we know that the one who is an Erementaru is destined to become to ruler of Gimonia. But, we won't let that happen," Fodder snarled.

"Or we could. You would help us control every cat who lives in Gimonia. King Ves? Ha!" Kitial laughed at the sight of Ves. "Why, you're too puny to rule one city, let along an entire kingdom, including all the Tribes." Ves looked down at his paws. Solid black like coal.

"We'll leave you to your pity. We'll see you again when Lilac is finished." Fodder and Kitial both left the dungeons. Ves turned to a corner and began bawling his eyes out. Why would he do this? I'm his own blood. He curled his tail around his body and rested his head on his paws. Bumble, Onary, Keshinia, wherever you are, please stay safe. I hope to escape this prison and tell you the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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