Our son

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You have been a close childhood friend of Jake and when you heard about him coming here you were so happy to have him here with you after all he had been threw. Jake and Tommy were like family to you well they were actually they were  only family you really had. Soon your guys lives had changed on pandora as you and Jake had fallen in love with two members of the omatacyia clan. You had fallen in love with Tsu'tey and Jake had fallen in love with neytiri, you had a new found freedom and life here on pandora.

Y/n " we have to check to see if the RDA had left anything else here we can us" you are walking threw one of the military room with norm.

Norm " so have you and norm talked about your official becoming a navi like Jake did"

Y/n " yes we did but moat said we should wait another year until the clan is halfway recovered for the war"

Norm " oh" you and norm are in your avatar bodies as the roof of the building human oxygen had been mixed with pandora oxygen. You were walking when you heard a sounds that made your ears prick up, you soon kept on hearing the same sound again.

Y/n " a baby is crying"

Norm " what baby there no baby here" you didn't listen to norm as you had taken off towards the sound soon coming across a room with the door open.

Y/n " ....." you soon walked slowing towards where the babies cries were coming toward and soon came to a crib that was holding a navi baby.

Y/n " hello little one what are you doing here all alone" you soon picked up the baby to see he had five fingers and five toes.

Norm " there you are did you find that ..... what the heck that a real baby"

Y/n " I know that come on we should get him back to base for a check up" norm didn't question you at all and soon called the baby in that was a shock over the comlink as no one could believe what was heard at all.

Later that day

Jake " norm and max I got here once I got the message someone said it was majorly important"

Tsu'tey " where is my wife I heard she was involved as well"

Y/n " I'm over here Tsu'tey" Tsu'tey and Jake made their way over to you to be shocked to see you tending to a navi baby, both man slowly walked toward you both jake had become a dad a few days ago and now he seeing a nabi baby in the human care.

Y/n " I and norm were out and found him I heard him crying and went to see who was crying, I found him all alone"

Tsu'tey " so the sky demons had stolen babies as well"

Y/n " my husband look at his hand and toes"

Jake " he have fiver fingers and toes that means"

Norm " yes he an avatar baby we don't know how but he really here it seems like he was supposed to be human but came out as navi"

Tsu'tey " he looks older then neteyem"

Norm " well he I older then neteyam by his size and the date on birth on his ankle bracelet is a month older"

Jake " he seems really attached to you y/n"

Norm " well she found him and kept him calm she even got him to take some formal as well, he seems to really like her"

Tsu'tey " can I hold him my love" you had nod your head soon handing the boy over to, Tsu'tey at first the boy was upset about being moved but soon calmed down once he was in Tsu'tey arms.

Tsu'tey " he kinda of cute"

Jake " norm those the boys have any family"

Norm " his mom is gone and his dad is someone we can talk about later"

Tsu'tey " poor child all alone but made by the sky demons"

Y/n " Tsu'tey I was wondering if we could take him in"

Jake and norm " ...."

Tsu'tey " he is one of the people anyways and he is all alone the great mother says all children, are a blessing so yes we can keep him" Jake was happy for his best friend as he knew you wanted and family so badly. In time everyone will find out the boys father but not hold it against him. Neytiri was welcoming towards the boy when he was baby and saw him as her nephew when she meet him. The boy had been changed to spider as he was fitting name for him and he seemed to love it.

Moat " welcome spider te rongloa Tsu'tey"spider was taking part on the first communication with eywa, with neteyam and kiri by his side all three babies giving gummy smiles.

Tsu'tey " my wonderful son the son of a mighty warrior and a beautiful healer"spider had become a big part of Tsu'tey world, even due he was not spider son by blood he was still his son no matter what anyone else had to say or thought. Soon the family and laid down together you had finally got the happy family you had always been wishing for, even due you never saw you family as this when you were little. It seemed like the great mother was mot done blessing you as it seemed like, she has more planned for you and your family life as well.

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