Eras beginning/Genome overload

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Snipe and the others stare at where "cheetah" was standing before they hear the ding of the elevator making pinky, siren and red-riot jump before they turn to look as they see aizawa, katsuki, shoji, shoto and jiro in the elevator.

Red-Riot: *trying to calm down* Jesus Christ don't do that to us that almost gave us a heart attack.

Eraserhead: why'd that almost scare you.

Pinky: cause we just saw a monster that looked like a cheetah and spoke like it was above us.

Tentacole: that sounds like every villain showing up in the media now you just need to breathe.

Dark knight: that's kinda hard right now.

Ground-Zero: how so Raven head.

Red-Riot: he screamed in pain before this distorted voice rang out in the halls.

Ground-Zero: *sarcastic* well that sounds pleasing.

Before anyone could continue talking with themselves red-riot heard groaning across from them.

Red-Riot: wait everyone quiet *everyone looks at him before he tilts his head slightly to look at them* do you guys hear that.

Everyone quiets down before they hear groaning aswell as earphone-jack plugs their ear-plugs into the wall listening for the sound before looking back at the others.

Earphone-jack: they're in the corner of the right hallway.

The small group of heroes run to where the sound was before seeing a wounded guard with slash marks on their legs and chest as earphone-jack goes to aid them.

Earphone-jack: hey are you alright can you hear me.

As the guard opens their eyes to look at her he flinches from there wounds.

Wounded guard: who are you what are you doing down here.

Earphone-jack: hey don't talk just breathe ok *looks towards shoto while keeping her hands on his chest to try and keep the wound closed* hey toss me your aid-ki-

Before she can say anything else the guard grabbed her hand before quickly moving up and pinning her arms behind her back while holding his hand to her throat as the others got on the defense.

"Wounded" guard: you're going to do as I say or miss hero here is going to get hurt.

The guard tightens their grip on her as she tries to keep her pained voice quiet as the others back away while trying to figure out how to beat the guard without hurting earphone-jack.

Siren: HEY *as the guard looks at him while trying to keep his grip on her tight to keep them away* just why are you wounded while the other guards near that elevator are dead.

The guard gives him a questioning look before chuckling before looking back at siren.

"Wounded" guard: that's an easy answer hero me and my friends killed them.

Siren gained a confused look before getting his serious look again as the guard laughs at him.

"Wounded" guard: wait where you trying to use your quirk on me *siren looks shocked as the other heroes gained shocked faces as they're surprised as the guard is not effected by sirens quirk as the guard laughs before looking at them* wow you actually thought that could work on me not likely since I'm a lot stronger than you think.

The guards body starts rippling and growing as the heroes gained faces of shock, fear and surprise as the "guards" body falls off as he breaths a sigh of relief as he looks at the heroes again.

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