Talk and return of an old friend

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Izuku is sitting in front of nezu while both of them are drinking tea as eraserhead and snipe telling nezu of what happened when they went down for the task they were given.

Nezu: I see is that all that happened down there aizawa or is there more.

Eraserhead: no that's all that happened there nezu nothing else that happened there.

Nezu: ok *turns to look at izuku who's sipping his tea* and what about you izuku anything we need to know.

Izuku: besides me beating my sister and the bakugo and todoroki twins in a test but other than that I've gotten pretty stronger and smarter possibly smarter than you nezu.

Nezu: is that so then I'll have to test that later.

Eraserhead/Snipe: OH GOD PLEASE NOT ANOTHER ONE one was enough please whatever god is out there don't let there be another damn tyrant.

Izuku: thanks but if you don't mind I'll take my stuff and put it in one of your empty classes.

Nezu: and why are you doing that.


(A/N: this is actually how I talk back to someone who is annoying to me and I'll swear like a sailor when I talk back and I am a goddamn menace when you make me swear which is 24/7 when I'm not around my family because if I do while they're around I'm getting hit)

Nezu and eraserhead were surprised by the sudden outburst izuku had as he calms down before sitting down and drinking the tea he was having before.

Izuku: sorry just don't want some kids to lose up on something that can open multiple paths that can help them.

Nezu: I see I'll have to see if there's any spare rooms near the support department that you can use for the hero classes.

Eraserhead: you're not actually thinking of letting a teenager teach other teenagers it'll be a disaster for him.

Izuku: excuse me but I'm pretty strong and smart which are both deadly attributes combined eraserhead besides *raises the juuga driver for them to see* I can back both of those a thousand percent *puts the driver in the coat pocket as he stands up and raises a hand*THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW *points at eraserhead* IT'S IZUKU.

George: ah gotta love some rider references now and then.

Izuku: yeah you gotta love them.

Eraserhead: fine but everything has a price kid you gotta know that alright not everything is fine now that you're away from that place alright.

Izuku: if you only knew of what I did before all this then you'll realize you're living fine don't worry I'll handle it you don't know who you're talking to also nezu *turns towards the chimera/ratgod* where's the 1-A class I want to catch up while getting to know my sisters classmates besides the bakugo and todoroki twins.

Eraserhead: I'll take you there I'm their homeroom teacher after all now come on.

Izuku: thanks hobo batman besides you mind if I drop by and grab a few things from what I brought over.

As izuku and eraserhead walk out of nezus office snipe and nezu are left talking.

Snipe: you know even if we can't see it-

Izuku and eraserhead are walking side by side as everything around them turns black as an aura surrounds them as izukus is golden and constantly moving around as eraserheads is red and calm and watching everything around it

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