Info and hidden secrets

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The screen returns to everyone on the ground as dekiru is still hugging izuku like he's going to disappear at any moment as he simply smiles at seeing izumi being soft.

Chargebolt: so any of you guys going to explain why you're so close to somebody who mercilessly beat you guys and why he looks almost like izumi but with white hair.

Izuku: my hair is just like this because of me being experimented on but as for why I'm close to the bakugo and todoroki twins and izumi is because they're my childhood friends and izumi is my twin sister.

Red-Riot: if you're here then did you *trys to say kill in gesture* the guards and boss of this place.

Izuku: yes but I did that because of what they were doing to everyone here including the children *grips his fist in anger as gold and black flame start to burn around his fist* they're so young they didn't deserve what they did to them.

Izumi sensing izuku getting angry hugs him more closely to calm him down as it starts to calm him down as he hugs her closely as the flames on his fist flicker away.

Pinky: AND why didn't you ever mention him to us izumi *fake tears start to fall* I thought we were friends how could you.

Dekiru: you would've taken anything about him out of context and do weird stuff with what I told you about him.

Pinky: WHAT NO I WOULD NEVER *looks down defeated* yeah yeah I would sorry.

Izuku chuckles at seeing the friends his sister has made when he was taken as he looks at the bakugo twins with a raised eyebrow.

Izuku: and did you guys break anything that costs you anything bakugos.

Strike-Blast: what I would never I was careful of everything after you were tak-

Ground-Zero: she broke a total of 17 peoples entire bodys because they were talking shit about you *strike-blast looks at her brother with a look that says 'i trusted you how could you'* I just gave them a glare and scared them except for one guy who said that you should've died because of how weak you are I just crippled him and broke his arms so yeah nothing much.

Izuku sighs before standing up as dekiru is still hugging him as he walks towards strike-blast and bonks her on the head three times as she rubs her head to soothe the pain as he looks at the todoroki twins.

Izuku: and you two what did you do when I was taken.

Shoto: I ate cold soba as shoka wanted to kill anybody who might've spoken your name and touya misses you and dad works extra hard because he thought that if you were hurt then he won't let any kid be hurt aswell.

(A/N: Endeavor is a good dad and cares for izuku like he was a puppy because that's what he is *pets a baby izuku in a dog wonzie* he's an adorable little sun.

Little Izuku: can you let me go now.

Me: NO there are many like you but YOU'RE TO CUTE FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.)

Izuku sighs while shaking his head at the twins antics as he looks at eraserhead.

Izuku: I'm going to guess that you're their teacher eraserhead.

Eraserhead: yes I am and who are you exactly and more importantly why did you try and kill my students.

Izuku: needed to see how much they've grown with the time I was gone and for who I am I'm izuku yagi twin brother of izumi yagi and I'm also known as Kamen rider Juuga remember that.

Eraserhead sighs before pinching his forehead and looking back at izuku.

Eraserhead: alright then is there anything else we should know about.

Izuku Yagi: The broken genome Kamen rider Where stories live. Discover now