Questions, spar and DEMON?!

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As eraserhead and izuku are walking towards the class eraserhead looks at izuku as he notices he has a grim look on his face.

Eraserhead: hey what's wrong with you you were fine on the way here until we stopped off at the spare room where your things are but since we left you've had a depressed look on you so what's going on yagi.

Izuku: nothing is wrong eraser everything's fine you don't have to worry about me just worry about your class alright eraserhead.

Eraserhead: alright but don't hide everything it's good to let others know aswell ok yagi.

Izuku: alright eraser alright I just find that the rex vistamp and Revice driver resonating weird why would it happen now of all times it's just weird George can you think if anything.

George: no I can't and that's weird the vistamps and drivers don't resonate unless that.......

Izuku: unless what george unless what

George: unless that somehow that the demons like vice, kagerou and lovekov have comeback in this world.

Izuku: could that happen though because if so then we wouldn't have to be the only riders here.

George: yes but do you remember the drawbacks of some of the drivers.

Izuku: of course I do the one we both remember hard is the Revice driver and what it does with overtime transformations *remembers the last user* Ikki oh gotta go almost at 1-A later we'll try and figure this out alright.

George: alright but I'll try and look into what else we worked on while you're doing that.

Izuku: thanks george alright let's see what's happening with your class eraserhead.

Eraserhead: yeah yeah just remember they're still kids yagi and don't patronize them.

Izuku: alright alright jeez you act like a dad seriously eraserhead calm down.

Eraserhead: alright I'm just warning you and when it's me and the teachers just call me aizawa.

As eraserhead opens the door to class 1-A there's a small group of students talking to each other and being teenagers (A/N: it's annoying as hell as sometimes I just think "fuck it I'll bring a knife and just kill em and gut them" but that'll easily make me the suspect.....................and it's the most merciful kill I know and can make if I decide to end someone and myself remember if you're depressed............ don't just don't it'll be annoying to clean it up) but as soon as they see eraserhead open the door and walk in they all rush to their seats as to not anger the sleepy off brand hobo batman.

Eraserhead: good it seems you're all learning about time management now two quick notices *stops some students before they raise their hand* before you ask about what it's about yagis twin oi izuku get in here.

The class is surprised about it being about the twin brother of izumi even more when izuku walked in as nobody notices mina putting her head down to her desk to the point her face is the desk as she is blushing madly as nobody notices but jiro who sees this as she chuckles darkly.

Izuku: nice to see you again sorry about last time but I'm just here temporarily until nezu is done with something I've asked for now *clasps hands together while bowing slightly* sorry if I gave any of you a scare when I fought izumi and the twins it's been about eleven years and I just needed to see whether they've slacked off or gotten stronger *an annoyed "oi" can be heard near the back of the class* hey you can't blame me eleven years passed by I was just making sure alright.

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