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(Please synchronize the opening and read this at the same time please and thanks 👍)

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We see izuku standing with other people but their bodies are surrounded by darkness until izuku looks up and the light around him distorts as he smirks before his Shadow and the other people show different bodies of animals as izukus shadow shows his rider form as izuku smirks then raises his vistamp before activating it as it shows the title.

[Izuku yagi: the broken genome Kamen rider]

The next scene is Izuku messing around with the Bakugo twins, Todoroki twins and Izumi while Class 1A watches as It's relaxing to watch when Aizawa drops from the ceiling as it scares everyone as Izuku punches Aizawa in the face while in shock

As Vice appears and starts dancing to the beat of the song aswell as Izuku and another Rider who looks like a T-Rex then Vice does some poses with them as he gains T-Rex armor

As Izuku stands in a void with a man in a white lab coat with glasses on as multiple Dna spirals appear and form different animals which then explode filling the void with multiple colors of Dna

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As Izuku stands in a void with a man in a white lab coat with glasses on as multiple Dna spirals appear and form different animals which then explode filling the void with multiple colors of Dna

As the next scene is shown with multiple villains surrounding Class 1A and Izuku raises his vistamp and places it into his driver he crosses his right arm over his slightly lifted left arm as stares at the villains with a cold stare as he says the words of a true Kamen rider

Izuku: Henshin

As the void reappears with multiple people in it as they look at Izuku before they change into different identities as Izuku changes into his past life Identity

As multiple animals go across the screen as they morph into riders as Izuku is fighting a man as his shadow resembles an enemy he fought in the past

As the screen distorts Vice can be seen break dancing as he poses for the camera with a peace sign


As Izuku is in a lab working with someone who's blurred out their appearance changes to a rider with a webbed shoulder

Izuku is teaching someone as they're blurred out as well as their appearance changes to a rider with a bat appearance with white and gold elements imbued into it as their mirror reflection has another rider with a bat appearance in it as the main color has black imbued

Izuku is sparring against someone with Class 1A as the audience as some of the audience and his sparring partner changes into the T-Rex rider from before as in the audience a female rider with snake elements appears as well as a rider who seems to be a chimera of a octopus rhino and centipede/millipede

Izuku is working with someone who changes in-between two forms of a Kabuto and a Hercules beetle

Izuku is walking forward as the screen distorts showing him and his past life walking in the same direction as Izuku stamps the screen showing the vistamp mark

Izuku is walking forward as the screen distorts showing him and his past life walking in the same direction as Izuku stamps the screen showing the vistamp mark

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Izuku is seen fighting a girl as she changes to a rider with a bee element with orange and white colors imbued

Izuku is seen with Class 1A Infront of Class 1B as two of them changes to two different riders one a stag beetle and the other a chimera of a crab and crocodile

Izuku is standing in the void with his past life as they look at different riders before them as writes them in a notebook

Izuku is in a cafe with Mina as Class 1A is silently cheering her on as Izumi has a look of pride as both mina and izuku are blushing

Izuku is facing against the Katsuki twins as he gains different animal attributes briefly as he settles on with a lion before rushing to attack

Izuku is falling in the void as he sees flashes of his past life as he sees his friends reaching for him as he takes their hand and fights with them as his eyes flash gold with a helix outline as he rushes past the others and jumps performing a rider kick on the man he was fighting earlier

Izukus memories of his past and current life flash around him as he kicks through his opponent as he lands behind him in his casual clothes before smiling and walking off as his past life and vice turn to the screen and give a peace sign as the title comes out

[Izuku yagi: the broken genome Kamen rider]

Me: WOW that took so long sorry I didn't update my stories I had writers block and couldn't think of anything for a while combined with high school exam and tests I could barely write but I'm currently on holidays so I'm going to enjoy and try and write more often so anything to say Izuku

Juuga izuku: thanks for being with me even though it's been a short time this world has been created I thank everyone who wants to watch my journey

Me: yep and thanks for reading this story of mine it means a lot to me Ciao~

Izuku Yagi: The broken genome Kamen rider Where stories live. Discover now