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A gunshot goes off, making Ana jump up from her rest, panicking. "Why is there no one on watch?" A man yells, shooting multiple times at the ceiling. "You're all dead!"

"Yeah, yeah." Victor says, again being full of himself. She stands up, looking over at Mitch who had a man right in front of his face. "You're dead." He says again, Mitch's lip quivered, going to say something then forcing himself not to. "You want to say something to me? Go on, say it." The man got closer to Mitch's ear, he squeezed his fist tightly, the veins from his arm erupting up to his forearms. "You got thirty seconds!" The same man said, walking away from Mitch. He looked at her and nodded, signaling he was okay. She immediately took off the baggy shirt she had and slipped on a normal black tank top, matching it with black jeans. Two of the men watched her change, earning them a rude look from Ana.


"These are your targets," multiple faces showed on the glasses Ana was wearing. She remembered them by faces almost instantly. "Memorize them, it's your responsibility to be able to identify them. You shoot at them back; you get a point. You miss; you get a shock. Hit a non-target; you get a bigger shock, and if a target shot you, let's get say you're going to feel it." Stan explains to the group. "Ready? Go."

Ana begins to look through the numerous faces in the crowd, she looks around her often, spinning around to see a target or not to get shot. She remembered the saying 'have eyes in the back of her head' and knew it would help her now. She heard somebody shoot their first target, almost immediately after she sees her target raise their gun at her, she shot them twice before turning around and continuing. She stopped in her tracks as her mouth fell open. She saw her sisters face.

She turned around, ignoring her sisters face knowing it wasn't real. She shot another target, hearing the men groans as they got shocked made her more anxious. She saw another target, aiming her gun quickly as someone pushed her over. "Dick." She mumbled under her breath before she had finally been shocked. Her body felt limp and like pins and needles, but she continued on.

Ana heard some men quitting, or throwing up, making her want to finish even more. She got ready to take another shot at another target, them moving quickly out of the way to uncover her little sister, though her bullet had already fired. She ended up shooting her little sister, she felt the shock go through her body, she was confused why her sister was even there.

She shook her arm trying to get rid of the feeling before aiming her gun and walking slowly and carefully, not wanting to be shocked again. She heard a familiar voice groaning and the loud large shocks she could easily hear. She saw another target, shooting them quickly before she finished her task successfully. She took of the mask she had and smiled to herself. She looked down at the twitching man below her, Mitch. He continued to shoot at whatever he was shooting. Stan came over after Mitch had fallen limp, Ana took his shock device off that was still on her as well, getting shocked by his device but she continued to brush it off, just knowing she'd won. She took Mitch's googles off before Stan grabbed Mitch to help him up.

"Congratulations, Ana. You're one of my best." Stan said, it was probably the only nice thing she'd ever hear come out of his mouth. "Thank you, sir." She nodded at him before grabbing Mitch's arm and putting it around her, helping Stan carry his limp body. "Meet me in my office at five sharp, Anastasia." Stan demanded, bringing back his normal snarky attitude.


"Hello, sir." Anastasia said, her freshly wet hair laying on her shoulders with her grey sweater getting damp from it. "You like movies?" He asked, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. He turns the computer to show a video recording from an older camera, it being somewhat laggy and not the best quality. She noticed her sister's recognizable golden hair, and her two parents' side by side next to her.

"What the fuck is this?" Ana spat, not taking her eyes off the video. She saw a cloud of dust, followed by blood splattered across the screen and she saw blown off body parts flying in the clouds. "Fucking turn it off you dick." Her face scrunched together out of spite. "I knew it." Stan said, calmly.

"Knew fucking what?" She replied, confused.

She realized then that videos and photos was all she had left, and what Stan has showed her now, was probably going to one of the last videos she sees of her family together. Their presence turned into videos and photos at some point. She realized then that they were gone completely, and never ever coming back for her. She could still recall their last conversation, her little sister begging for her not to leave. If she didn't leave, could her sister be alive? Could it have been Ana and not Rose?

"I knew you'd react like that." Stan said. "Am I supposed to feel bad for you? Cause I don't. Why are you even still alive, Gold?" Stan was being heartless, knowing damn well he had to have lost tons of people to get where he is now. She felt the moment stop, her body shaking with anger.

"Fuck you." She seethed, pushing the computer onto the ground and reaching to punch Stan, him blocking it and flipping her over. She groaned as she landed harshly on her back, Stan using this as a time to wrap the cord from the computer around her neck, "you never make it personal. That feeling your feeling now is going to get you fucking killed, Gold."

He loosened the grip from the cord, Anastasia shooting up, opening her mouth to say something, but she stays silent. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Stan spats back to her. Anastasia dusted herself off before turning around towards the door, opening it and slamming it behind her. She walked down another hallway as tears began to cloud her vison, watching her family's last moments replaying in her head on a loop. "Fuck." she whispered to herself, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater, she opened his front door and stepped out, the air harsh and windy and making her squint her eyes with all the air rushing towards them.

She walked towards the trail to lead her back to the cabin with the others, two of the men had quit that day as well, not up for the challenge. Tears continued to fill her vision, she tried to fight them, but she couldn't, she didn't want the others to see her in a vulnerable state, she saw that as weak. All she could think is she was fully alone, no family to run to, no friends. It was just her.

Nobody was going to come back for her, just like the rest of the people's she's loved, they'll be gone.

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