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Ana sat in the backset besides Mitch. Victor and Stan in the row and in the front, and an agent driving besides Annika who was in the passenger side, she was a beautiful woman who has been working for them for five years. Ana couldn't focus on anything; she thought about the video Stan showed her so much it was almost like she was back in that moment. She forgives him because she knows what they are against is the only thing she should be worried about now. She wondered if she was overreaction, but she kept telling herself she couldn't be. It can't be a figment of imagination because she simply feels so much. She kept reminding herself that her heart was broken.

Heartbreak, to her, was the tearing of her heart into minuscule pieces. Heartbreak is the breath that gets stuck, and you feel the hole inside of you. She looked outside at the window, seeing the sunset and how large the world around her is. Her feelings don't matter at all in the big scheme of things. She was alone with her thoughts, though she felt comfort with the sense of loneliness.

Ana as tired, she was so incredibly tired of everything around her. She wondered how she could've let all of this happen, feeling responsible for all the things around her that have gone wrong. She remembers how she was never like this before. She was two completely different people in between seven months ago and the present.

She snapped out of her thoughts as Stan began speaking, handing Mitch papers. "Hamdi Sharif, a real estate arms dealer. He's like Santa Claus for terrorist." Stan explained as Mitch went through multiple pictures of him, Ana looking over his shoulder to get a peak. "Scumbag." Mitch scoffed. "Spare me your junior year abroad moral opinion, would you, Rapp?" Stan said seriously, Ana let out a laugh at Stans response.

"Not really an opinion, sir. Sharif's a piece of shit." He answered bluntly. "It's not a crusade. This mission is practical. Don't make it-"

"Personal." Mitch finished his sentence, he looked at Ana who was already looking at him before they both quickly turned their attention back to Stan. "Exactly." Stan agreed, sounding proud. "Yes, sir." Mitch said before looking back at Ana, who was back to looking outside until she heard her name. "Victor, Anastasia, you're with me. Rapp, you and Annika are eyes on." Stan explained, Ana taking a mental note of what he said. "Sharif has a routine, Let's see if anything breaks his pattern." Annika explained. "Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Anatasia assured. "Alright, we have forty-eight hours. Quick, clean. No footprint. This towns ready to blow as it is." Stan said.


Ana sat on the couch as they decrypted the phone Mitch stole from Sharifs assistant. "That was fucking reckless, Rap." Stan scolded. "I took the initiative, sir." Mitch shot back. Anatasia stood up from the couch, annoyed from their arguing. She stood beside Victor, two men placing down cases. "Here we go, eleven am tomorrow. A meeting at a restaurant on Akbiyik Street. That's right before Sharif goes to see his mistress. That breaks his pattern." Mitch said, a sense of pride in his voice.

"I'll tell you what will break his pattern. When that fucking assistant tells his boss he lost his goddamn phone." Victor explained, sounding like a dick. "He's too afraid of Sharif to let him know he fucked up." Anastasia assumed. "Alright, we go tomorrow." Stan agreed.

"What's the mission, sir?" Mitch asked. "Eliminate the target. Eliminate the recipient. Obtain the package." Stan said, grabbing a gun from one of the cases the men brought in. "What's the package?" Anastasia asked, confused. "We'll know when we see it. You two are lead. You're backup." Stan explained, Victor and Ana being lead and Mitch being backup. Annika spoke in a foreign language Victor and Ana couldn't understand, but she could tell Mitch did. After everyone understood what was happening the next day, everyone backed away from the table they were at, doing their own things.

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