Pornstar ➤ sunsun ➤ crack

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Do you even wonder, what goes on behind every porno you've ever watched?

Well ladies and gents, welcome to the sex industry where you can find various activities such as prostitution, adult commodities, and the most common and consumed product provided in the industry, Porn.

You may think this industry is horrid and sickening, and you are very right, this industry is revolting. Not only the industry invests in the direct provision of sex-related services, The sex industry employs millions of people worldwide, mainly women. These range from the sex worker, also called adult service provider or adult sex provider, who provides sexual services, to a multitude of support personnel.

And it's honestly disgusting.

And Sunoo can say the same, the mere thought of how the industry exploits people of age to such ill panoramas. Alongside the normalization of human trafficking and rape in the industry is just fucking sad how our world has become, full of people who hunger for iniquity and corruption.

But sadly he can't avoid the topic, since his sister is surprisingly in the industry.

His Jennie noona, widely known as Ruby-Jane, her alias
(this is my queen I love her I swear if yall start attacking me I will attack back because I love this woman to the deepest part of my heart and I would never use her as a bad example, and just a reminder this is fiction so shut the fuck up and go cut up a deep wound in your arm and plunge your dick in it and fuck it with your fresh blood as lube, and if ur a girl go shove your dad's leg up your vagina till u get internal bleeding. Thank you)

She was quite famous, and honestly, if it wasn't for how much she makes a month Sunoo would've just left her. But her being a pornstar really helped with their debts and also gave them a stable financial state without having to worry about money since money keeps on coming into his sister's bank every week. And if you're asking how much she makes, 10 to 15 thousand dollars is estimated per set every day. And since she works 3-5 business days, a week she gets about 30 to 45 thousand dollars and probably 125 to 140 thousand per month. And that's quite a large salary even though she cant can't keep on getting her pussy plowed every day, of course, she has to rest. But still, every single bill counts.

After a while of denial, anger, and controversy, he learned to accept his sister's fate. Especially when she's the reason why he's still at school, she pays all the bills, tuition, groceries, and everything, and he's grateful to have a sister like her. Although she's selling her body, she always works hard for the both of them so they can live freely without having to worry much.

It was hard for him to support her career choice, but of course, he respected her choice and he also helped her by being a good younger brother as respect because he knows working in the industry is hard and scary, so kudos to his sister for being able to survive in her 3rd year as a pornstar.

She was now 27 years old and Sunoo was still in her Sophomore year in college. At 19 years old, Sunoo was still living the same old boring life with countless days of studying and doing papers, but still, he isn't putting to waste all the money his sister pays for his college tuition. Both of their parents are dead, so that means they only have each other at times, plus Jennie has to keep herself anonymous in public mainly around the male population, but sometimes she always puts her sibling in awkward situations that involve her career.

And for example...

"Sunny, can you please just come over and drop off something? I can send you the address. It's not too far from home." Sunoo's older sister's voice rang through the phone

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