Plight of a Bouquet ➤ sunsun ➤ mild-angst

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Here's a short little one-shot to compensate for the lack of updates help

March 28th, 1994

Gyeongju, South Korea

It was a wonderful afternoon

The sun had finally simmered down, the dry windy breeze could finally be felt, the lines of trees and aerial plants gave shade to people walking around, grassy field painted the view with various shrubs, plants, and wildflowers coated the area.

The blue sky contrasted the clear deep blue water from afar, reflecting on the beautiful sceneries surrounding it. The atmosphere is loose and therapeutic, with the sounds of street vendors, children playing, and his fellow neighbors in the back of his ears.

Sunghoon had just come back from school, he rode his bike back home since they were in the countryside.

"Mom! I'm home!" Sunghoon shouted while placing his bike by the side of their garden, before walking up the patio and sitting on one of the rocking chairs to take a short rest after a full 9 hours of school.

He sighed in relief before staring at a distance, he observed his view. From the swaying trees to Kim Sunoo—Wait what?

Sunghoon's eyes furrowed at the petite figure in his white polo and navy blue slacks, similar to his uniform. With his cute bowl-cut hair and his bright yellow backpack, he's had since 7th grade.

'Great, now my day is ruined...' Sunghoon scoffed closing his eyes once again to remove his eyes from the smaller.

But he couldn't force himself to take his eyes off him.

He then opened his eyes to spy on the younger, scoffing once again and scrutinizing the other.

Sunghoon was in no way attached to Sunoo, he knew him slightly, as a bubbly young gentleman who had come to live next to his house. If Sunghoon had ever thought about Kim Sunoo at all, it would be mainly because of how he is.

The way he lights up the room when he's present, the way he eats with such passion that his cheeks blow up as balloons and his eyes twitch in delight from each bite, the way his eyes turn into crescents when he smiles or laughs, or the way he walks with such sass till his ass bounces with each pop of his joint or the way his eyes roll to the back of his head when he sees or hears something ridiculous.

He honestly just finds Sunoo annoying.

He doesn't know how, and he doesn't know why.

But there's just something about Kim Sunoo that makes Sunghoon wanna hate him.

Just by chance, he had gotten a glimpse of him walking like a corgi towards the gate beside his house, he just averted his eyes trying to get his head off a certain boy.



The next day...

Sunghoon walks through one of the meadows from where he lives after coming back home from school to get away from the stress he's been experiencing lately.

He sat down by a patch of wildflowers staring at the petals standing stout with vibrant and assorted colors painting the field.

Dandelions, Daisies, Poppies, Buttercups, and a wide variety of wildflowers were spread all across.

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