Best Prize ➤ sunsun ➤ fluff

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It was a silent and sad night for Sunghoon, his skates in the back seat, his uniform neatly folded in a paper bag by the seats, and his equipment and other necessities plopped on at the back on the floor of his black Honda Civic.

Sunghoon just came back from nationals, he was fatigued, tired, and out of his mind after days of training and practice. But despite all of his endeavors, he still has yet to get a hold of that damn gold medal.

He hated being second, he thinks that silvers and bronzes were made by pity because they don't want athletes to feel undeserving for their efforts so they made extra awards for other contestants who couldn't correspond to the standards of their specific sport. He believes that being a gold medallion is the only relevant recognition you can get in a competition, and because of that, he forces himself to work harder no matter what even if it involves hurting himself. No matter how many times he gets prevented from his actions, he won't hesitate to do the most just to get that prize.

But there's one prize he has that defeats every trophy and medal to ever exist in this entire world, his most prized possession, his boyfriend Kim Sunoo.

His biggest achievement he has ever received, and his most memorable accomplishment and it wasn't always easy to have Kim Sunoo as his boyfriend. He is one of the most precious people to step on this entire earth and still is till today, which made him very well-respected and when respect comes with adulation, then adulation comes with people developing feelings.

A lot of people were infatuated with him and lots were constantly under his nose trying to gain his attention but sadly Sunoo paid no attention to anyone, except for a handsome figure skater he saw on TV.

Just as Sunoo saw his face he immediately fell in love with the athlete and basically researched every single fact about him and watched every contest he was in, he also sneaks into the ice rink almost every weekend where the boy trains and practices for hours on end, and he watched and watched him fall and get up hundred times and sometimes even shout like he's a fucking pterodactyl.

But despite his flaws, Sunoo loved his shortcomings.

It made Sunghoon seem more human, because of how effortlessly perfect he is on screen all of the time. He never gets to see the real Sunghoon on TV but luckily he gets a free show of the real Sunghoon every weekend and thankfully he hasn't been caught, yet.

Long story short, he got caught by one of the security guards, and Sunghoon saved the day by stopping the guard from escorting him out, after that they became close and they'd have skating dates in the rink after practice, and then they both clicked.

Sunghoon had already found out about Sunoo, they go to the same school. But Sunoo didn't know that he also attended the same school as him, even though he was sort of famous in their country.

But what they didn't expect was for them to be dating each other.

Both boys were fond of each other but it was hard to accept their feelings for each other, which compounds the vastly normalized homophobia in their country alongside the toxic media ready to detonate hate toward the two of them and possibly ruin Sunghoon's career.

So they decided to tone down and keep it low to make sure nobody finds out, especially their families. And to their luck, they were able to hide it from hundreds of people for 3 years.

Sunghoon is now 22 and living a happy relationship with Sunoo who is now 21 years old. They both still love each other deeply just as much as they did when they first started dating, I mean they fight and bicker sometimes but that doesn't change the fact that they love each other to death.

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