Happy Birthday ➤ jaywon ➤ angst

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I thought it was all okay.

You said it was.

You agreed that you'd forget about it.

I thought we'd forget everything on that day.

But ever since the school year started, it all came
back to me.

Your vibe was off.

It felt as if there was still a prominent trail of hatred following you every time we crossed paths.

I thought if I brushed it off nothing would happen.

But because I ignored you, you brought everything back to square one.

You bullied me.

Humiliated me.

Made a fool out of me.

You set a bad image of me.

I lost all respect from my schoolmates.

My friends stopped talking to me.

Teachers think lowly of me.

But I thought if I just accepted my fate and lived my life, everyone would forget about it.

But you ganged up on me.

You paid people to rape me.

Drug me.

Use me.

Like a toy made to be played with.

You told me not to tell anyone.

And I followed your words.

There was no other way I could escape this dilemma.

All I could do was kneel by your feet as you stomp on my heart.

I fell into depression.

I had no one.

I cried myself to sleep for the next 5 months

I felt used.

I felt dirty.

I tried to scour my body to get rid of their hands groping and harassing my body.

I hurt myself every time I feel the lingering sensation crawling up my spine, the yellow bruises building up on my skin still prominent from what you made them do to me.

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