Chapter 61

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Just like every year, exam season was over as fast as it had come. A levels were over. GCSE's were over. End of year and final exams at university were over. Just like every year, there were students who were pleased about their performance and hopeful about their results, students who were feeling neutral and students who were disappointed and didn't want results day to come. There were also the students who felt they had done well but were worried regardless.

Onyx and Fawn were in the first category, Emmeryn in the second and Zephyr in the last. Results day was the following day, the anticipation and trepidation building up steadily.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Onyx asked Zephyr, who had come over earlier in the evening. It was now night time and the boys were quietly hanging out.

"Is anyone ever ready?"

"I'm sure you've done well. You're the smartest person I know, well after myself of course." He smiled, trying to cheer Zephyr up.

"Sure." Zephyr rolled his eyes, laying back on the bed.

"Hey, I mean it. We'll both be off to uni," Onyx said more seriously this time.

"Okay." His tone sounded slightly frustrated.

Well this was interesting wasn't it? Zephyr was in a bad mood while Onyx was in a cheerful one. Zephyr was rarely ticked off so this was new territory for Onyx and he realised he had to tread carefully. It was different from when Zephyr was stressed or upset and though he was just mildly annoyed, it was still a little scary. Sighing, Onyx got off his bed and sat on the floor instead, unlocking his phone and browsed through his photos, most of which were of his friends. It's okay, he thought to himself, Zephyr's not mad at you. He's just frustrated at a lot of things right now.

"Nyx, I'm sorry," he said after several agonisingly slow minutes of tense silence. "I've not been that pleasant today. You asked me to come over and I've just been in a bad mood the whole time."

Onyx smiled as he swiped onto the selfie Zephyr had taken of them at Thorpe Park. Zephyr had been so carefree back then but had become less so since then. Maybe it had been Zephyr maturing. Maybe it was the pressure from GCSE's and A levels. Maybe it was the fear of failure and letting others down. Whether it was all of those or none of them, Onyx hoped he was taking care of himself mentally. "It's okay. I get it."

"I've just had a lot on my mind, you know? It's not only results day. Like you said, I'm sure my grades will be fine. I guess it's just hitting me that it's really all over now. We're all going our separate ways soon when uni starts. We've been together our whole lives; it's going to be strange not having you there. Who am I supposed to irritate the hell out of now? I know I haven't been as lovely and charming recently but I do still like making you mad."

"Well I admit I've been missing that side of you."

"Really?" He shifted on the bed so that he was laying on his stomach and could look over Onyx's shoulder. "I know you've warmed up to me over the years and don't reject my love anymore but gosh, longing for my affection is something else isn't it?"

It was Onyx's turn to roll his eyes, though not in a frustrated way as he bit back his smile. For once, he wasn't annoyed or embarrassed by Zephyr's teasing, rather he was happy that Zephyr was slowly returning to his silly self. How long would it last though? He prayed it was for a long time. "I deny nor confirm nothing. But really, I spoke to Emmeryn about this once. I'm scared too. I know uni will be hard for me because I'll be surrounded by complete strangers. You're good at making friends so though we won't be there, I'm content knowing that you won't be alone for long. I'm confident you'll find someone else to irritate and if you don't, I'm just a phone call away. Also we'll be able to meet up in the holidays. You're right though, it will be strange. Eighteen years together and now we're going to be doing different things."

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