Chapter 101

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Moving day. The cars are loaded and the moving vans have already left. Onyx and Zayden wait outside while their mother does one final check of the house, making sure they're not leaving anything behind.

"It's strange to be leaving," Zayden comments wistfully.

"Yeah, we did grow up here after all. In some ways, it will always be home."

Their mother locks up the front door then goes to her car nervously.

"Mum, are you sure you'll be okay?" Onyx asks her for the tenth time. "I can always come back for your car later."

"Drive there and then all the way back here?" she clicks her teeth. "Don't be ridiculous. I'll be fine. Zayden will be with me."

"Okay," he nods then goes to his own car. "I'll follow after you."


Shere is a small village, quite a small village, Onyx realises as he drives through the narrow lanes. Tudor style houses, many historical buildings, shops, post offices and a church designed in the Early English style that seems to have been there for hundreds of years.

He pulls into the driveway of a detached house. It has white walls and a brown roof, almost like a cottage but he is hoping the interior will be a bit more modern. As beautiful as old style cottages are with their wooden beams and open fireplaces, they aren't really his cup of tea. Already this place is so slow and quiet compared to his home city but he tells himself to be patient and give it a chance. A rural way of living will just take some getting used to.

Inside there's a living room, reception room and kitchen downstairs and upstairs three bedrooms and a family bathroom. The garden is fairly big, with fresh green grass and pretty flowerbeds arranged neatly.

The large furniture such as sofas and beds have already been placed in the rooms so all that's left to do is unpack everything else. For now though, they settle in the living room and rest on the sofas.

"Mum are you okay?" Onyx asks. "How was the drive?"

"I'm fine honey," she chuckles lightly and leans back in the seat.

"She got a little nervous turning corners," Zayden adds, "but otherwise it was good. She didn't panic or want to get out of the car."

She gives him a look, as if he wasn't supposed to have said that, then sighs. "Your uncle might come over later to help us unpack and settle in. Please be nice to him." She directs this last part to Onyx.

"Of course," he says. "What reason have I to be unkind?"


"Hi," Onyx greets the couple before him with a small smile. "You must be my uncle and aunt, right? I'm Onyx."

"My you're a handsome chap aren't you?" the lady jokes cheerily. Onyx guesses she's in her late forties or early fifties, his uncle a few years older. She has kind hazel eyes and is smiling at him with a motherly warmth. His uncle is standing beside her quietly, seeming to assess Onyx the way he is assessing them. Though their hair is greying, he can see that his aunt is a brunette and his uncle has the same sandy brown that he and his mother do.

"And you're gorgeous," he compliments back. "Your dress really suits you. I love the blue shade."

"In all our years your uncle has never flattered me this way." She glares at her husband. "You should learn from your nephew."

Chuckling, he lets them inside and they go to the living room. There's boxes scattered about, some open as his mother started sorting out the kitchen earlier. "I'll get my mum and Zayden," he tells them as they sit down and leaves the room.

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