Musical emo time

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As upset as Spongebob was he still noticed the way Squidward left work. The plops of his tentacled feet sounded even heavier. He tried to catch up to him.

Before Spongebob even spoke- "Don't you have to take inventory today?" for once there was no edge to Squidward's voice.  Their playful banter to most would sound like genuine anger but it never stopped them from walking home together. Today was different. He wasn't angry or pretending to be. Spongebob couldn't quite place the emotion. 

"I counted all the tomatoes and patties before I clocked in," Spongebob said

"Why don't you clock in early? You were working and you weren't getting paid for it! Why do you let people walk all over you?" Squidward began to snap 

"I could ask you the same question" This stopped Squidward dead in his tracks as Spongebob continued "You're so talented. What are you still doing here? This isn't your dream. Why don't you go for it?" 

"I don't appreciate the forced optimism, Sponge" Spongebob could swear he heard a sniffle. 

"I know you think I'm an idiot but-" Squidward cut him off before Spongebob could finish that sentence

"BELIEVE IT OR NOT I DIDN'T UNTIL RIGHT NOW BECAUSE ONLY AN IDIOT WOULD BELIEVE IN ME! No one else does so face the facts. We're together at this dead-end job forever. Now go count all the pickles again unpaid for all I care. I'm going home to my HOBBY which is all it will ever be" Squidward began running. Why was he running? WHY was he running?? 

Spongebob didn't run after him. He figured Squidward would be able to hear what he really felt once he calmed down. What Spongebob was not anticipating was the power ballad coming from Squidward's house (see below)

As Spongebob listened to the words "I'm a creep I'm a weirdo what the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here" tears ran down his face and were absorbed by his sponge skin. He took rocks and started tossing them at his window. He tied a note to one to throw through the window but unfortunately, as he did Squidward closed the window. The rock smashed through the glass and Squidward glared down at him.


Spongebob ignored that question "I'LL PAY FOR YOUR WINDOW! PLEASE READ THE NOTE!!!" 

Usually, Squidward would ignore such a ridiculous request but Spongebob sounded really serious. He picked up the rock and the note read: 

When I heard you sing "what the hell am I doing here" I wondered the same thing. Squidward if no one here besides me sees how talented you are then you need to go where there are people with taste. You've said it yourself! Bikini bottom is full of kelp for brains! You're so fucking special. Please give yourself a chance.

There was something crossed out at the very end that Squidward couldn't quite see. But when Squidward crumbled the paper Spongebob felt his heart do the same. Spongebob turned to leave but then felt an embrace. Squidward was.... hugging him? He ran all the way downstairs and out the door and now they are hugging?? 

Spongebob felt Squidward's tears on his back and unless he was imagining it he also heard a muffled "I can't leave you yet"

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