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The pair quickly pulled back from each other when they heard the intruder and jumped up, getting into their battle stances.

"Chat Noir?!" Said Ladybug. She hasn't seen the cat hero in over a month after she rejected yet another date proposal from him.

"What the hell are you doing to my lady you villain?!" Chat Noir demanded, lunging towards Argos in an attempt to tackle him.

Argos avoided the sloppy attack with ease and moved Ladybug with him.

"That's not a nice way of saying hello," said Argos.

Chat Noir, annoyed by the smugness in the taller one's tone tried to lunge for him again.

"Get your hands off her!"

"What are you even doing here Chat?" Ladybug asked, annoyed at the current situation.

"Aren't you happy to see me, M'Lady?" Chat Noir asked, dusting himself off and giving Ladybug a flirty grin.

"I haven't seen you in over a month because you threw a tantrum. Ryuko and I have been just fine without you actually,"

"Me-ouch! That stung M'lady," Chat Noir responded, feigning hurt.

Ladybug and Argos rolled their eyes. As usual, the cat hero wasn't taking anything seriously.

"I should get going,"

"Hold on! Are you not going to explain to me what that was just now? You guys looked like you were about to kiss! Like seriously LB? Argos?! The same guy who betrayed us, took the miraculouses and gave them to Monarch making him more powerful than we know?"

Ladybug blushed but glared at Chat Noir, "Shut up Chat! What do you know?"

Chat Noir looked flabbergasted, "what do you mean?! Do you not remember what he-" Chat Noir then glared at Argos, "What did you do to her? Did you mess with her head or something?!"

"I did no such thing," Argos plainly responded.

"Yeah right like I'd believe a word you say!"

"He didn't do anything Chat Noir. You would've known what has been going on lately if you actually showed up to battles and other important meetings,"

"Well, maybe you should accept that we're made for each other. All you ever do is-"

"There is no excuse for your behaviour Chat! You're not even-"

Ladybug bit back her tongue. She wasn't quite ready to tell Chat Noir the information she knew. Telling him that he isn't the true back cat holder would most likely just set him off again and it could have an effect on the miraculous. She'd give him one more chance to act right. Just one.

Maybe Felix was right. She is too forgiving sometimes.

"Well, why not tell me now what's going on then? Why do you look so comfortable and close with... with him,"

Argos didn't seem fazed by the way Chat Noir spoke about him or his glare. He smirked at the cat hero which only seemed to annoy him further.

Ladybug noticed Argos' smirk and lightly hit him on the arm. Argos got the hint and dropped the smirk only by a fraction.

"Argos Brough them all back to me,"

"He... he did? He just gave the miraculouses back to you... just like that?" Chat Noir asked in disbelief.

Ladybug nodded, "Yes. He changed his ways,"

"And you just believe this smug bastard?!"

"Watch your tone you ally cat," Argos warned, about to take a step forward but Ladybug put her arm out to stop him.

"Yes. I trust him. He's proved to me that he's changed. Again, you wouldn't know cause you haven't been around. And whenever you are, you hardly do anything!"

"Because you're being stubborn! Why can't you accept the fact that we're made for each other? Chat Noir and Ladybug. We're soulmates, destined to be together,"

"Study the Miraculouses Chat. Previous Ladybug and Black Cat miraculous holders don't always get together. In fact, only three out of the many have gotten together! All other relations have been purely platonic. There is nothing between us and there never will be,"

Chat Noir just groaned, "There you go again. You have to accept fate!"

"Did you even listen to a word I just said?"

"Leave him Ladybug. He clearly doesn't understand something so simple,"

"I'm still not done with you Argos!" Chat Noir declared, pointing his staff at him.

Argos sighed, "I am not going to fight you. I have places to be. Ladybug, get home safe. I will see you when I see you,"

Argos jumped off the building, ignoring Chat Noir's shouts after him.

"Get back here! I have a bone to pick with you!" Chat Noir yelled. But Argos ignored him and went away until he could no longer see him.

Chat Noir let out a frustrated sigh.

"Well then. I guess it's just you and-" Chat noir turned around only to see that Ladybug was no longer where she was standing.



Marinette let out an annoyed huff after she detransformed. Tikki was already munching on cookies and watched as Marinette let herself drop onto her bed.

"What a night. Chat Noir just had to mess in up in the end," Marinette mumbled.

"But you enjoyed it overall no?" Asked Tikki.

Marinette thought back to when she and Argos had gotten so close that it seemed like they would kiss. She couldn't help but blush at the memory. If Chat Noir hadn't interrupted then would they have...

"Yeah. It was a very good night," marinette replied with a dreamy smile on her face.

She was pulled out of her state when her phone began to ring. Marinette pulled her phone from her pocket and answered it as soon as she saw that it was her brother that was calling.


"I tried to call you like 8 times you know,"

Marinette rolled her eyes, "I was busy,"

"There wasn't an akuma was there?"

"No. I was at Felix's house,"

"You were at a boy's house at night?"

"I was only there for dinner and his mother wanted to meet me. No need to go protective big brother mode,"

"Well, as long as you had fun,"

"I saw Chat Noir on the way home today though,"

"Really? What was he doing out?"

Marinette debriefed with him about what happened. She of course didn't mention being with Argos. Just the little argument she had with Chat Noir.

"That guy is a prick. Why do you keep letting him off? I'd have taken the ring from his a long time ago,"

Marinette rolled onto her front and sighed, "You aren't the first person to tell me that. Ryuko has said it and so has Argos. I wish it was that easy. I think part of the reason I hold back is because he once told me that being Chat Noir gives him freedom. I don't know anything about how he lives at home. But..."

"You would feel guilty. Yeah, I know how you are. You're a better person than me. I still would've said screw it,"

"Why don't you tell me about your day? I didn't ask you when we talked this afternoon,"

The twins talked for another hour before Marinette wanted to go to bed because she had to wake up early tomorrow. The two said goodnight and Marinette changed into her pyjamas and went to bed.

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