𝙲ի𝛼⍴եᥱ𝑟 10

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After Felix and Kagami bid their goodbyes and left Marinette's room, the atmosphere in the Dupain-Cheng household began to calm. Marin, still fresh from the lively conversation, retired to his own room for the night.

The evening had been pleasant, filled with laughter and camaraderie, but now that Felix and Kagami had left, Marin's thoughts turned inward, focusing on the worries that had haunted him for some time.

Lying on his bed, Marin couldn't help but be consumed by his thoughts. His protective instincts had always been strong when it came to Marinette. Even though they were twins, Marin felt a profound responsibility to look out for her, as if he were the older sibling (which he technically is by two minutes). It was a role he had taken on willingly ever since they were children, and it had only intensified over the years, especially since he had studied and lived in London. He knew that behind her cheerful demeanor, Marinette had been through a lot, and it weighed heavily on his heart.

"I can't stand the thought of Marinette having to go through this. She doesn't deserve it," he muttered to himself.

He clenched his fists, the urge to do something, to intervene on her behalf, gnawing at him. But he knew better than to act impulsively. Marinette had made it clear that she didn't want him to take matters into his own hands, especially not with her classmates.

Marinette knew all too well that Marin possessed a strength and skillset that could be truly dangerous if unleashed especially if angry. Having honed his abilities during his time abroad, he had become very proficient in self-defense, and he was fully aware of the damage he could inflict if provoked. If he were to confront Marinette's classmates, he may just hurt them. Whether it be physically or verbally. Or both.

Still, his overprotective nature gnawed at him, leaving him feeling helpless. He couldn't help but worry about what challenges Marinette might face in the future, especially with new villains emerging in Paris. His fists relaxed, and he sighed deeply, his mind racing with thoughts of what he could do to support her without compromising her independence.

His thoughts then turned to Felix. Marin was curious about the role this enigmatic young man played in Marinette's life. He had only recognized Felix from a magazine article he had come across during his time in London—a piece highlighting young, wealthy bachelors. Felix's stern and aloof demeanor left Marin with a sense that he was not someone to be trifled with.

Marin glanced at his phone on the bedside table. It was late, but a nagging feeling persisted. Maybe he should to reach out to Felix, to talk to him about Marinette's struggles and find out if there was anything they could do together to support her.

With a determined resolve, Marin picked up his phone and began composing a message to Felix, keeping it brief but sincere:

Marin: Hey Felix, it's Marin. I wanted to talk to you about something important, if you have a moment. Let me know when you're free to meet up

He hit send and placed the phone back on the table, hoping that Felix would be willing to meet and discuss their shared concern for Marinette. His overprotective instincts were in overdrive, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more they could do to help his sister navigate the challenges of her school life.

The next day...

Marin is up a lot earlier than he would have liked to be but doesn't go back to sleep.

Marin's suddenly phone buzzed, breaking the silence of his dimly lit room. He reached for it eagerly, seeing that Felix had replied to his message.

Felix: Good morning Marin, I'm afraid I have other commitments right now, but we can talk on the phone if it is urgent. I have some time to spare.

Marin immediately dialled Felix's number. He had a lot of questions, but most importantly, he wanted to understand the dynamics between Felix and Marinette and ensure that his sister was in good hands.

Felix picked up after a few rings, his voice calm and composed.


"Hey man, sorry if I'm bothering you or anything but I just wanted to have a chat,"

"What did you want to talk about?"


The other end of the line was silent for a few seconds.

"What... what about her?"

"Marinette means the world to me, and I'm sure you can understand my protectiveness as her older brother."

"Of course, I get it. I feel the same way about her."

Marin couldn't help but relax a little, knowing that Felix shared his protective feelings towards Marinette. "I'm glad to hear that. But, I'm also concerned about her situation at school. She's been going through a lot, and she asked me not to do anything because she doesn't want me to get in trouble."

Felix let out a sigh, "Yes, she's told me the same thing. It's frustrating because I hate seeing her go through all that without being able to do much about it. But I understand her concerns."

"As much as I'm against it, I do too. And I also know she's had close calls with Monarch's akumatizations. It terrifies me to think of what could happen."

"I share that fear with you, Marin. We've both seen how dangerous it can get. But I want you to know that Marinette and I have an incredible relationship. We didn't always get along, but now we're in a happy, loving relationship. She's my rock, and I'm hers."

Marin felt a warmth in his chest hearing Felix's words. "That's great to hear, Felix. I'm really grateful that you two have found happiness together. It's just... I can't help but worry."

"I feel the same. Especially as I will not be attending school today,"

Marin's eyes widened, "wait you won't?"

"I'm afraid not. She knows this already. I told her before I met you yesterday,"

"Damn," Marin muttered, running a hand through his bed hair, "that doesn't make me feel any less worried now. Kagami doesn't go to your school too does she?"

"No," Felix replied.

"Oh my days," Marin sighed, "I really hope nothing happens,"

As their conversation continued, Marin and Felix realized that they shared a common goal: to protect and support Marinette in any way they could. 

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