𝙲ի𝛼⍴եᥱ𝑟 13

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Shànyīn and Èguǒ stood side by side, their expressions filled with newfound determination and power. Disconnected from Monarch, they shared a triumphant grin, knowing that their time to bring justice to Paris had finally arrived.

Shànyīn said with a gleam in her eye, "It's time for us to serve justice across Paris."

Èguǒ nodded in agreement, his expression equally determined. "Indeed. But let's make one thing clear—we're not here to retrieve miraculouses."

Shànyīn smirked, "Duh because that's me. But... if we just so happen to run into a certain cat, however..."

Èguǒ grinned mischievously, knowing what she meant, "of course,"

Their plan was clear: they would right the wrongs in the city, delivering karma—both good and bad—where it was deserved.

Shànyīn would focus on delivering good karma, bringing happiness and positive outcomes to those who had been on the receiving end of injustice. She was determined to make things right for the people of Paris.

On the other hand, Èguǒ would deliver the bad karma, ensuring that those who had committed wrongs faced the consequences of their actions. He was resolute in his mission to bring justice to those who had evaded it for too long.


Felix is currently sitting in the family limo, frustration etched across his features, "Business meetings, business dinners, business, business, business..." he muttered to himself.

His mother noticed his agitation.

"Felix, darling, is everything alright? You seem rather... frustrated." Amelie asked

Felix sighed and rubbed his temples, a furrow in his brow, "I'm sorry, Mother. It's just that I've been on edge all day. I haven't been able to contact Marinette, and I can't shake this feeling that something's wrong,"

Amelie offered a reassuring smile as she took a seat beside her son, "I'm sure she's fine. She's a strong young woman from what I've seen in her. And she has other friends no? Kagami is one of the correct?"

Felix nodded but couldn't help the worry that gnawed at him. Kagami was technically her only other friend at the moment and she doesn't attend their school anyway.

"I know, Mother, but it's been a long day, and I just want to make sure she's alright. I haven't been able to talk to her at all because of how busy I was today."

Amelie patted his hand in understanding, "Well, you will have plenty of time to talk to her when we get home,"

Felix let out a huff and stared out the window.

A few minutes later...

Felix stormed into the estate, his frustration still evident on his face. He understood his responsibilities as the heir to the family business, but that didn't make the endless meetings any less annoying, especially when he considered Marinette's situation. Today had been particularly exhausting, with back-to-back meetings that had left him drained and irritated.

As he entered his room, Felix reached for his phone, eager to hear from Marinette and assure himself that she was safe. However, as he scrolled through his messages and saw no other messages besides the one she'd left for him this morning wishing for him to have a good day. Hit didn't really help with the concern he felt. He hoped that perhaps during break times, she had been with Marin or Kagami, finding some comfort in their presence.

With a heavy sigh, Felix called Marinette. More than once. He tried sending her messages too, his fingers tapping impatiently on the screen. He couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something might be wrong, and the longer he went without a response, the more anxious he became. His worry for her safety and well-being was consuming his thoughts, and he couldn't rest until he knew that she was alright.

Hours had passed, and Felix's concern for Marinette had grown into a gnawing worry. He tried calling her again and again, his phone's screen lighting up with her contact name, but there was no response.

"Come on, Felix, I'm sure Marinette is fine," Duusu chirped, her tiny voice filled with concern for her holder who had been nothing but tense.

Felix appreciated Duusu's attempt to comfort him, but his anxiety remained unrelenting, "but I don't know that for sure,"

Duusu sighed, "Perhaps she's busy. Maybe she has some designs she's making. Or she's busy with Marin?"

Felix shrugged, "You may be correct, however, I'm sure she'd see my attempts to contact her. We even said we'd talk when I was done,"

Unable to contain his concern any longer, Felix dialled Kagami's number. When she answered instantly, he asked, "Kagami, have you heard from Marinette? She's not answering my calls or messages."

"No. She actually hasn't answered any of my calls today,"

"Did... were you with her at all today?"

"No," Kagami replied, "I tried to call her during lunch because I didn't see her at our usual spot. But it kept going to voicemail,"

That was not what he was hoping to hear at all.

As worried as Kagami felt, it seemed like she could sense Felix's stress more and she went over to his estate.

Felix's phone lay on the table beside him, and he tried calling Marinette once more, a knot of worry forming in his stomach. Kagami, sitting across from him, shook her head in frustration. "Still no answer."

"I tried to call Marin too. He doesn't seem to be picking up either," said Kagami who had just tried to call the boy again.

Felix frowned, his worry deepening. He considered going to Marinette's house but hesitated, uncertain of whether he should intrude on her privacy. He also didn't want to come across as an obsessively protective boyfriend. As he debated his next move, an unexpected sound pierced the air—the akuma alarm on his phone blared loudly, startling both him and Kagami.

Kagami unlocked her phone to see the akuma report and what they'd be dealing with. There were reports of strange occurrences in Paris, but no akuma had been caught on camera yet. Only a few eyewitness accounts described what they had seen.

"That's strange..." Kagami mumbled, "There have only been eyewitnesses and apparently from the reviews–"

Kagami's eyes widened, which concerned Felix

"What is the matter?" he asked.

"I think there's two akumas. There are two different types of descriptions from the citizens. Unless there's only one akuma and they shapeshift into two personas,"

"This is strange," Felix muttered, his concern deepening. "It's been a while since Monarch released more than one akuma."

Kagami nodded in agreement, her expression equally serious. "Yes. but we need to make sure that it's two and not one or we'll be chasing after something that is not there. Also, perhaps Marinette is already looking. That may be why she's not answering."

Felix didn't seem sure but it eased him a little bit.

Kagami, her determination evident, declared, "We need to go and help, Felix. Marinette and her brother could be in trouble."

Felix nodded in agreement. He couldn't simply sit by. He made his decision and transformed, ready to help from the shadows while Kagami transformed as well, prepared to assist their friend in whatever challenge she faced. With the knowledge that they couldn't rely on Chat Noir to show up anyway, they were determined to confront the akuma and protect Paris.

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