𝙲ի𝛼⍴եᥱ𝑟 11

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The rhythmic thud of Marin's footsteps on the floorboards and the steady rhythm of his breathing filled the room. His mind was usually focused on the physical challenges he set for himself, but today, his thoughts were consumed by his sister.

As he powered through a set of push-ups, Marin couldn't shake the unease that had settled over him since his chat with Felix a few hours ago. Felix not being with her at school today gnawed at him like an itch he couldn't scratch.

'Is she alright?' Marin thought to himself, his muscles tense with worry. He knew Marinette was strong and capable, but the knowledge that she was facing the challenges of school alone was unsettling.

Finishing his workout, Marin got up and headed for the shower, hoping that the hot water would wash away his nagging concerns. But as he stood under the cascading water, his thoughts drifted back to his sister. He couldn't help but wonder if she was facing any new difficulties, any fresh confrontations with her classmates or, worse, with Hawkmoth's sinister plans.

Dressed and ready for the day, Marin couldn't delay his concerns any longer. He grabbed his phone and sent a text to Marinette.

Marin: Hey sis, just wanted to check in. How's school today? Everything alright?

He continued with his workout, but his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of his sister.


Marinette's heart pounded in her chest as she found herself cornered by her classmates in a deserted hallway at school. Lila's venomous lies had spread like wildfire, painting Marinette as the villain who had threatened her to stay away from Adrien and even punched her. The weight of their collective hatred bore down on her shoulders, a relentless burden she had carried for the past two years.

Lila's web of lies had ensnared her in a never-ending cycle of torment, and the classmates she had once considered friends now turned on her with a viciousness that still cut deeper than any akuma attack.

Marinette's voice wavered as she tried to hold back tears, her heart heavy with the betrayal of those she had considered friends. "please, you have to believe me. I didn't do any of the things Lila is saying!"

But Lila merely turned to the crowd that had gathered, painting herself as the victim. "See? She's denying it again, just like she always does, trying to make me out to be a liar even though I'm always trying to be nice regardless of how she treats me all the time!" she cried.

"I was in the library with Felix when this all apparently happened. I was nowhere near you yesterday!" Marinette shot back, growing visibly frustrated.

Alya was at the forefront of the attack. Her voice dripped with venom as she spat out words at Marinette.

"You're a damn liar, Marinette! You've always been jealous of Lila, and now you've resorted to violence again? Disgusting."

Alya, with a malicious grin, snatched Marinette's sketchbook from her trembling hands. It was her most precious possession, filled with her designs, dreams, and memories. Marinette's heart raced as she knew what was about to happen, both to her and her beloved sketchbook.

Marinette tried to defend herself but as usual, her words fell on deaf and manipulated ears.

The others followed suit, hurling insults and accusations at Marinette. The pain of their words cut deep, and her spirit felt as though it was breaking with each cruel remark. They despised her, and they refused to believe a single word she said. It was a torment Marinette had grown all too accustomed to.

Alya, Alix, Mylene, Nino, Nathaniel, Rose, all of them hurled insults, each one more painful than the last. They called her evil, a whore, an attention seeker, and worse. Things that she would have never imagined would come out of some of their mouth even more so directed towards her. Sure, they've been nasty to her over the past couple of years but it's as if they had been bottling up these things to say about her which only made her feel worse.

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