𝙲ի𝛼⍴եᥱ𝑟 12

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Monarch watched with a mix of anticipation and ecstasy as the butterfly he had sent out hesitated and then merged into both Marinette's and Marin's bracelets, a phenomenon he had never witnessed before. The power he had longed for was within reach, and he could hardly contain his excitement.

However, his elation was short-lived when Marin, to his surprise, spoke up with a demand, catching Monarch off guard.

"We'll do as you ask, Monarch," Marin said, his voice tinged with an edge of defiance, "but only if you let us choose our names and give us ultimate power. we want to be more powerful than any of your previous akumas. Combined."

Marinette, now standing beside her brother, added her own request, her tone equally determined, "And we want to choose our outfits, Monarch. The ones you assign to your akumas are mostly terrible to put it lightly."

Monarch's brow furrowed. "You dare make demands of me?"

Monarch's eye twitched with annoyance at the audacity of the twins to make demands. He had always prided himself on controlling his akumas, but it seemed these two were not so easily controlled.

Marin's head tilted to the side, "You want Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous no? You've even been after my sister multiple times and now you have the chance to get what you want and then some,"

Monarch was taken aback by the twins' boldness. He hadn't expected them to negotiate with him. However, he couldn't deny that they were a unique case, and their combined power had the potential to be the key to finally defeating Ladybug and Chat Noir.

He weighed the options in his mind. The desire to gain their cooperation and the power they possessed far outweighed his irritation at their demands. After a brief moment of contemplation, he agreed, albeit reluctantly.

"Fine, you shall have your requests. Choose your names and outfits as you please."

Marinette's eyes lit up with triumph, and she exchanged a knowing look with Marin. "Thank you, Monarch."

Nathalie, watching the scene unfold, couldn't hide her concern.

"Monarch, we've never seen a butterfly merge into two people at once. It can't possibly be the same as sending out two butterflies willingly. Are you... are sure about this?" 

Monarch waved off her worries, his excitement clouding his judgment. "I need them to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir. We've gained more than I expected. Let them have their names, their outfits, and their ultimate power. It will make them even more unstoppable."

"But Mo-"

She was cut off again.

"My decision has been made. Do not question me. Remember your place," he told her sternly.

Nathalie silently gulped and bowed her head and mumbled, "My apologies sir,"

He turned back to his joint connection with the twins.

"I'm giving you what you want. Do not disappoint me or you will face the consequences," he said as he watched the thick dark clouds cover their bodies.

Marin chuckled, "Oh trust us, Monarch. We'll have things under control,"

Their new attire was striking and intimidating, inspired by royal Chinese regalia. Marinette's was bright and radiant, while Marin's was dark and foreboding. Their hair was styled into traditional top knots, adorned with crown pins in the knot that added to their regal appearance. They looked like powerful and commanding royals, ready to make their mark on Paris.

"I am now Lady Shànyīn." Marinette declared.

"And I am now Lord Èguǒ," Marin declared after.

'Good Karma and Bad Karma...' Monarch mused, 'Very interesting indeed,'

Monarch had to admit. He was very impressed. With both the names and the outfits. They definitely outshone any of his past akumas on many levels. Marinette was truly a talented woman.

With the twins' ultimate power and determination, his plan to finally capture Ladybug and Chat Noir had taken a formidable turn.

Meanwhile in the cafeteria...

In the bustling school cafeteria, Marinette's classmates had gathered, seated at their usual tables. They wore self-satisfied expressions, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment after cornering Marinette earlier and making her pay for her alleged actions against Lila. they were completely unaware of what was happening just outside the building.

As they chatted and shared stories of their confrontation with Marinette, Lila entered the cafeteria, her face a mask of false sadness. She had been well-practised in the art of deception, and her fake tears glistened in her eyes as she approached her classmates.

"Hey, everyone," Lila began, her voice trembling as if she were on the verge of tears. "I just wanted to thank you all for being there for me. It's been so hard dealing with Marinette's constant harassment, and your support means the world to me."

Alya, her voice brimming with pride, led the conversation. "Of course girl! We had to put that witch in her place. She needs to learn that bullying you out of jealousy is not ok at all."

Kim nodded in agreement, a smug grin on his face. "Yeah, she's had it coming for a while now. She thinks she can just push people around."

"It's incredible how delusional she can be. Hopefully, she's starting to realize that her lies won't work on us. We're not as dumb as she thinks," said Alix.

Rose chimed in, her eyes shimmering with sympathy. "And Lila, we're so glad you're okay. It must have been so hard for you. Getting hurt like that for no reason"

"Yeah," Mylene added, "it's not your fault that Adrien likes you more than Marinette,"

Adrien gave a weak smile as he listened but didn't speak up.

Lila sniffed as she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. "Thank you a-all so much for defending me. I-I just wish Marinette would change her w-ways and stop causing trouble f-for everyone."

"After today, she better," Kim said as he folded his arms.

Lila continued, her tone sorrowful, "I sometimes wonder if m-maybe it's my fault. Maybe if I hadn't joined this school, Marinette wouldn't be a-acting this way."

Her words hung in the air, and the classmates exchanged sympathetic looks. They were falling for Lila's manipulative act hook, line, and sinker.

Juleka, seated across from Lila, chimed in, her voice filled with empathy. "Lila, you've been nothing but sweet and kind to everyone. We're lucky to have you in our class."

"Yeah, don't blame yourself, Lila. You've been nothing but a victim in all of this. If anything, we're grateful to have you here. If it weren't for you, we would have never seen Marinette's true colours. She had us all fooled that she was a sweet caring girl,"

Lila wiped away another non-existent tear, grateful for the sympathy she was receiving. "Thank you, guys. You're all too good to me."

The others chimed in with supportive words, their faces displaying a mix of self-righteousness and concern. To them, they were the heroes of the day, standing up for the truth and defending their classmates against the supposed tyranny of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Little did they know that the now akumatized twins, Shànyīn and Èguǒ, were now armed with ultimate power and a determination to set things right. The tables were turning, and their classmates' false sense of superiority would soon come crashing down more than they could ever imagine.

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