𝙲ի𝛼⍴եᥱ𝑟 16

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As Argos returned to the safety of his room and detransformed, he felt the exhaustion of the past few days weighing down on him.

Falling onto his bed, he felt the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him. The stress and worry over Marinette's disappearance had taken a toll on him, both physically and emotionally.

Duusu fluttered over to check on him, her eyes filled with concern.

As he lay there, Duusu fluttered over to him, a concerned expression on her face. She knew that her chosen had been going through a difficult time, and she couldn't help but worry for him. The stress of Marinette's disappearance had taken a toll on Felix, and it was evident in his demeanour.

Duusu settled on the pillow and reached out to pat Felix's cheek gently. She cooed softly, trying to offer some comfort and solace to her chosen.

"Felix," she began softly, her voice filled with concern, "I know you're going through a tough time right now. Marinette's disappearance has been hard on you, and I can see it in your eyes."

Felix's eyes met Duusu's, and for a moment, he looked like he was on the brink of tears. His emotions had been a tumultuous mix of fear, frustration, and sadness, and it was taking a toll on him.

Trying to maintain his composure, turned to his Kwami. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just...worried, Duusu," he admitted, his voice cracking with emotion. "I can't bear not knowing where she is or if she's safe. It's eating me up inside."

"We'll find her, Felix. You're not alone in this. You're strong, and Marinette needs you to stay strong for her."

"You're right," Felix sniffed, "I must stay strong for her,"

Hours later, Felix found himself watching the news on his television. The reports were filled with interviews from people who claimed to have encountered the akumas that had been causing such a stir in Paris.

One mother was interviewed, her eyes filled with tears as she clutched her sleeping child in her arms. She recounted a heart-wrenching tale of how her daughter had died in a car accident two days ago. It was a story of grief and loss, but her expression changed to one of awe as she described how Shànyīn had miraculously brought her daughter back to life.

Felix continued to listen as more people shared their experiences and descriptions of the akumas. It was clear that many had encountered them, but neither he nor Kagami had been able to spot them during their searches.

Felix couldn't help but express his frustration out loud. "How is it that so many people have seen these akumas, but Kagami and I haven't been able to find a trace of them?"

Duusu replied to his thoughts, her voice filled with insight. "These are clearly some strong and clever akumas, Felix. They're operating under a different set of rules, and they seem to have a purpose beyond just causing chaos.

After a few more minutes of watching the interviews, Felix began to feel drowsy. As he was about to turn off the TV, gasps of surprise emanated from the people on the screen, and a bright light appeared at the edge of the frame. Nadja, urged the camera to turn toward the source of the light, and there, illuminated in all their glory, stood the akumas—Èguǒ and Shànyīn.

Felix's eyes widened in shock as he watched the akumas draw closer to the camera. It was a sight that left him both stunned and perplexed. What caught his attention the most was the fact that the twins had no masks, a stark deviation from the typical akuma appearance. It was as if they wanted to be recognized.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no!"

Felix's jaw clenched. He did not want to believe what he was seeing.

At that moment, everything clicked into place. The reason for Marinette and Marin's mysterious disappearance became painfully clear. They were the akumas that Felix and Kagami had been tirelessly tracking down. The revelation sent a shiver down his spine, and his heart sank.

In the distance, Felix spotted his Sentimonster, Sentikite, hovering in the air. It served as confirmation of his suspicions. The situation had taken a dark and unexpected turn, and Felix couldn't help but wonder what could have possibly happened to push Marinette and Marin into akumatization.

In the midst of the television broadcast, Èguǒ and Shànyīn had taken centre stage, their faces unmasked and their presence commanding attention. It was a moment that held the city of Paris in suspense as the akumas prepared to speak.

With a voice that carried a chilling authority, Èguǒ stepped forward, "Citizens of Paris, some of you may know us as Shànyīn and Èguǒ," he began, his words resonating with a sense of purpose. "We are here to deliver justice."

Shànyīn stood beside her brother, her eyes holding the same gaze as her brother as she continued, "We have seen the suffering and injustice that has befallen the people of this city. We have witnessed the pain inflicted by certain individuals who believe they are above reproach. We have also seen wonderful things from people and have rewarded them accordingly,"

Èguǒ's voice took on a steely edge as he continued, "My sister has suffered in ways that should never have happened, and those responsible will face the consequences of their actions. Paris deserves better. It deserves a reckoning."

Felix turned off the TV and began to pace his room anxiously. Marinette and Marin were the akumas. How did he not piece it all together before? They suddenly disappeared the same day as the akumas appeared. But what could have possibly happened for them to–

A particular detail struck him— the day he had missed school.

"Damnit!" He hissed.

"Felix?" Duusu asked.

Turning to Duusu, who perched nearby with a worried expression, Felix voiced his realization. "It must have been something that happened at school on the day I wasn't there. Whatever it was, it had to be so horrible that both Marinette and Marin got akumatized."

Duusu nodded in agreement. Marinette's strong will and determination had always protected her from akumatization, but whatever had occurred on that fateful day had proven to be too much to bear.

Felix sat back down on his bed again. He absentmindedly played with Marinette's bracelet, turning it over in his fingers as he contemplated the situation with Èguǒ and Shànyīn.

With a deep breath, he focused his thoughts on Sentikite.

The bracelet on his wrist seemed to warm with a soft, reassuring glow, letting Felix know that the message was received.

With a sigh, Felix finally settled into bed, hoping that the pieces of this complicated puzzle would soon fall into place. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he was determined to do whatever it took to bring Marinette and Marin back from the darkness that had consumed them.

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