Chapter Twenty-One: Phone Call

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I woke to the feeling of being shaken. Grumpily, I rolled over and saw Christian looking at me, his mouth set into a hard line. It was almost 6 a.m., what could have happened so early? Bella is not a morning person.

Before I could open my mouth, he sealed away my heart with one sentence.

"We think he's going after your mother."

I felt myself go rigid, almost cold, like stone. First my sister, now my mother. I could hear Christian continue speaking, but I couldn't bring my ears to focus on whatever he was saying.

How could they survive? How could I survive? I can't go anywhere near them with Christian watching me like a hawk. It was agony to not be with either of them. Even if I couldn't help, I could be there. Dying alongside my best friend, the only person who was ever truly, always there for me, sounded a lot better than trying to live a life without her. I knew Edward and his family would do all he could to protect them, but what if they couldn't? How could I not be there for her when she needed me most?

I contemplated writing my father a note, maybe try to find a way to tell him I needed to go protect my mother and sister from an unknown monster. I didn't want him in danger, and he might try to follow me if I said that. If I found her and neither of us survived this trial, it would break Dad to lose both of his daughters. The moral dilemma was killing me. What could I possibly do?

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