Chapter Thirteen: Confessions

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I lifted my head when I heard a rustle followed by light clapping. Looking up, startled, I see Christian Hale slowly walking to meet me. His eyes glued to mine, seemingly mesmerized. I didn't stand and when he reached me, he squatted at my side. Still staring, he reached his hands and cupped my face. Finally feeling the cold, I blinked back at him.

"I've never seen something so beautiful in my life and I have lived a long time," he whispered to me. He was so quiet I almost didn't hear him, as if talking too loud would break the beauty of the moment. "You looked like a fairy," he said breathlessly. He dropped his hands.

Dazzled by his compliments and his unnatural beauty, it was all I could do to keep eye contact. After what felt like an eternity, I answered him.

"Did you.. Buy me this?" I whispered.

His eyes softened, the gold flashing at me as the sky began to clear. "Yes. Do you like it?" He seemed shy, as if I would reject this marvelous gift.

"Yes," I breathed, still quiet. As I gazed into his eyes, I noticed his skin began to glow — no, not glow. Shine. — My eyes widened in surprise. His skin looks like jewels, like diamonds glittering in the sunlight. He gave me a knowing look.

"I told you I'd show you why I can't be out in the sun." He said, not whispering but not talking at normal volume, still.

"You're beautiful," I told him for the first time. This may even have been the first time I've complimented him directly, I believe. His face filled with delight as the words left my lips.

Gone was the arrogant and confident boy from school. Here, in this glade, we were both as vulnerable as we've ever been with one another. Within the confines of the forest, Christian was soft and open. Kind and sensitive. Exposed.

We sat in silence with each other for a long while, like we were trying to memorize each other's faces.

"You aren't afraid of me." He said, voice almost back to normal now. It wasn't a question, but at the same time it was.

"No." I said firmly, but affectionately.

His face contorted and he looked a little upset, maybe even angry.

"Alex, you don't understand. I am dangerous."

I looked at him deeply, urging him to explain without saying the words.

"Listen to me, humans — all humans — have a very specific scent. Edward is so drawn to your sister, because her blood calls to him," My face momentarily flashed in horror as I imagined him being kind to her only to lure her to her demise. "See, but wait," he continued as he saw the look on my face. "He cares very deeply for her despite that. He wouldn't hurt her. Now, when it comes to you..." he looked at the scenery surrounding us. "Your blood doesn't call to me the way Bella's does to Edward. Your blood doesn't call to any of us. You don't have a scent. Not like normal humans do, not like your sister does. Sometimes I get an overwhelming urge to Just to see if your blood is special, since you give off no hints." He seemed to not know where to look, but he wouldn't look at me.

"So, you're saying... if a vampire closed their eyes, they wouldn't know I was there?" I said, tentatively.

He laughed. "No, we would still hear your breathing and your heart beat," he pushed my hair back from my chest with his hand, "but if a vampire happened to be deaf, then maybe... I don't know."

I pondered this for a while and didn't tell him, but overall decided this was a good thing. I was not appealing to the sensitive senses of vampires, so in my mind, I was in less danger than my sister. But on another hand, it seemed then that Christian only stayed so close, because he was curious about my lack of appeal, rather than who I actually am.

He seemed to notice that a dark shadow had greeted my face, because he immediately followed with, "You're not a novelty to me, that's not why I'm here. That's not why I did this. You are very dear to me, Alexandra," I didn't miss the use of my whole name. "You are the most important thing in this life to me."

And that was it. His declaration had solidified whatever it was we were inching towards all this time. His hand slid over to mine in the grass, and we sat, relaxed, in the sunshine. 

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