Chapter Six (Sample)

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The screaming wouldn't stop. It began as a sound in my head. I thrashed around, trying to find the source, swatting at invisible faces around me, but I couldn't make it stop. There was so much noise and it was killing me. My head was still throbbing, and every sound around me made it that much more painful. The drops of rain hitting the window, the rustling of the leaves outside, even the voices from downstairs and the rushing of footsteps pounding loudly throughout the hallway. I opened my mouth to yell, to tell the noises to stop, but when I opened my mouth all I heard was screaming. Louder this time. It was me. I was screaming and I couldn't stop.

The door swung open suddenly and through it came this hulking-brute of a man. He was way taller than me, at least 6'4, and solid muscle. He had a mane of long, brownish colored hair that spilled over his shoulders and down his massive chest. His dark, menacing eyes bore into me and he growled in a deep, rumbling, baritone, that nearly had me pissing myself.

"Shut the fuck up!" His upper lip curled into an ugly sneer. "Where the hell do you think you are?"

That was the question of the century. I had no fucking clue where I was or how I'd even gotten there. The last thing I remembered was drowning in a pool of blood and then, I was there, laying on a bed in a strange room and wondering what the fuck was happening.

The brute moved towards me and I slid across the enormous bed I was on, landing on the cold, hard wood floor before stumbling across the room looking for a way out.

The room was huge. Bigger than anything I'd ever seen before. Even the living room in my parents 1970's, ranch style, house wasn't as large. And the decor, man, talk about lavish. I thought places like this only existed on television. If I hadn't been scared shitless I would have stopped and took in my surroundings with more care but I didn't have time for that, I needed to find a way out, and fast!

The brute hollered at me, telling me to stop running and sit down. Like hell I was. I was standing in the middle of the room trying to figure out how I was going to get past him and to the door that was the only apparent way out but he crossed the floor in a matter of seconds and reached for me. In a panic, I sprinted forward, running for what I assumed was a window. It was covered in heavy, dark red, drapes that reached the floor. I don't know what I planned to do once I reached the window. Jump out maybe. I didn't even know what floor I was on or how high up.

I really didn't care though. I was working on instinct alone. I reached the window in a blink of an eye. I know I ran, I could feel my bare feet against the floor but honestly, it felt more like gliding. I thought window and instantly I was there. I moved fast, like super fast, and I had no idea how. Unfortunately, the brute was just as fast. Maybe faster. He caught me just as my fist gripped the drapes as I tried to throw them open. I swung my fist at the glass and he jerk me away quickly, cursing me for being stupid.

"What are you trying to do?" He snarled at me. "Do you think you can fly?"

Before I could even respond, he threw me, literally threw me, back onto the bed like I weighed nothing and I was a good 135 pounds and 5'6. Maybe not the biggest guy on the block but I wasn't some skinny per-pubescent kid either.

I hit the bed with a hard thud and a crack! At first I thought it was my back that broke but then the entire bed came crashing down on me. Wood frame, canopy, and sheer black curtains. Instinctively I raised my arms over my face as I felt the mattress and box spring collapse beneath me. I let out a surprised yelp as I rolled to the end of the broken bed and hit the foot board.

The sound of the falling bed mixed with my screams must have alerted others in the house because a moment later two more men had entered the room.

"Jesus Samuel!" Someone scolded. "Are you trying to bring the whole place down?"

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