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"Holy crap you look like shit

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"Holy crap you look like shit." Someone told Natalie as she opened her apartment door.

"Gwen Stacy." Natalie said as she shut the door, "You look really wasted." Gwen said as Natalie grabbed a bottle of Tequila. Her hair was still in tact, straightened and shiny to the point anyone could see their reflection, her eyes were red, and her eye bags were super noticeable.

"I know." She replied as she popped open the bottle and sat down, "What's the occasion?" The blonde girl asked as Y/n drank straight from the bottle, not wanting to answer.

"You know when we met, you were 14, quiet, always in your own world, we were friends but all you did was follow us around." Gwen said as she picked up Natalie's jar full of weed, "Look at you now, mom, and... well tired. Weren't you a whole actress or something? What happened to that route?" Natalie glared at her and put the bottle down, "If you're here to judge me get the fuck out of here."

The blonde chuckled, "I miss us hanging out." She said as she pulled out a picture of them two at a mall when they were 17, Natalie pushing Gwen as Gwen tried smacking her.

"You still have this?" Natalie questioned while handing the picture back and hugging her legs closer to her body.

"Why wouldn't I. You're my friend."

Natalie narrowed her eyes to the window, "You haven't spoken to me in years..." "Well I have a girlfriend." "And I have a kid, a nasty divorce, along with a job, yet I still tried contacting you." Natalie recalled.

Gwen sighed, "Where's Daniella?" She asked.

"With her other parent." Natalie replied as she finished the rest of the bottle, put it on the table, and slumped back down the couch.

"So they found Miles?"


"Isn't that just peachy." Gwen said with a small smile as she turned her head to look at Natalie who was now rolling up weed so she could smoke.

"Are you gonna tell me why you're really here?" Natalie asked the blue eyed blonde.

"My girlfriend is currently having a mental crisis to the point she kicked me out." Gwen explained with a sigh. "So why are you here?" Natalie asked, "I just explained."

She rolled her eyes and looked at the blonde with a bored look, "Your girlfriend is going through it and instead of being there for her you're in earth 1610 where you know it'll piss her off more?" The raven haired girl asked.

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