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POV: Yours

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POV: Yours

Destination: Home

"Hey." someone said as they stood next to my bed.

I woke up to see Gwen.

I stared at her with my lifeless eyes, not a peep came out of my mouth.

"I am really sorry for what happened." she said as she sat next to me.

I turned away from her and faced the opposite wall, I didn't want to hear this, I just hoped all of this was a bad dream.

I had bruises on my arm from how much I grip on to my arm, hoping this wasn't my reality.

"Don't listen to Peter, we haven't found him, but this doesn't mean he is dead." she said, I could feel her eyes still on me.

Everyone judges me for not being able to get up, I don't have the strength to get up, I lost my better half, I lost the love of my life.

"What would you do if you lost your wife?" I asked Gwen, she thought about it, "I'd loose it." she replied.

"Miles was the only person who made me feel alive Gwen, the only person who was there for me all those hard years, he looked at me like no one ever has, and I lost him."

She sighed, "I know what you mean." she said.

"I'll find him, Y/n. I promise." she said as she squeezed my shoulder.

"MILES!" I shouted as he carried me into the ocean. "NOOO!" I shouted as we both laughed, he teased me by acting like he was going to drop me in the blue waters of Mexico.

It was around this time I fell pregnant with Marcos.

Miles and I made our way to our picnic set up, we sat down and I ate the chocolate covered strawberries I was so desperate to eat.

I was 8 months in.

"I can't wait to give birth, I just wanna get rid of this damn watermelon sized baby." I said as I rested my eyes. I felt his lips on my shoulder, "I am excited for this moment as well." he said.

"You still haven't proposed you idiot." I said as I playfully smacked his head, "Yeah well I want it to be perfect so do not time me!" he exclaimed.

His eyes all of a sudden lit up, "You wanna marry me?!?" he realized, "No shit Miles!" "Well I thought you'd wanna leave..." he said quietly, I scoffed.

"Miles I cannot think of a life without you." I said as I turned to look at him. He smiled at me and kissed me. I closed my eyes as I drifted to sleep on the beach towel.

I opened my eyes as the memory died down.

My phone started vibrating, I sighed as I extended my arms to reach for the phone:


"Hi! Is this the mother of Marcos Morales?"

"Yeah this is she. What's wrong? Is he okay?"

"We need you to come. As soon as possible."

"Why what is wrong?"

"He is facing the consequences of expulsion."

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh of frustration.

What did my son do now?

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