III: Arrival on Remnant

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"Ruby Rose of Patch, daughter of Remnant, we have a proposition for you." A being of pure golden light spoke, standing next to a man of pure darkness, looking bored and annoyed that they were her. "So, you two do exist." Ruby said, not in awe, as the brothers expected, but in anger, as she and her men stood defiantly against them. "Why such hostility, daughter of Remnant? In early days, our mere presence would cause the people to drop to their knees and pray." The brothers asked in sync.

Their joint voices filled with confusion and ego. "You ask why I'm so hostile to you? You idiots." Ruby asked, her voice dripping with anger and annoyance at their arrogance. "Why should I worship you, when you never answered my pleas for help, when I prayed to Khorne, he answered my prayers. He saved me, he granted me power. I serve him, now and forevermore." Before the two brothers could respond to Ruby's slight rant, a deep booming chuckle echoed through the room.

"Well said, young Ruby." The voice echoed, it's tone deep, like that of a pipe organ made of pure brass. And from a circle of red fire a body arose, the monstrous form of Khorne himself. Standing between his followers and the two brothers. "So, you are the two weaklings who took Remnant and blocked it from the warp and the galaxy?" The blood god's tone was scathing and intrigued at once before answering his own question.

"Disappointing." The brothers recoiled as though struck as arks of gold and pitch black lightning arced towards Ruby and her warriors. Khorne deflected the lightning with a simple flick of his wrist. And with their pitiful attempt at a attack, Khorne let out a low chuckle, seemingly filled with the anger and rage of the entire universe. Before the chuckle quickly turned into loud and bellowing laughter.

"You abandoned remnant, and now I will happily burn your 'home' to the ground." Ruby continued with her anger and rage threatening to overwhelm her thanks to her proximity to her patron god, she had barely been holding onto her calmness thanks to her mind thinking of the myriad of ways that she could gut the two brothers, but she knew. That she would be unable to even lay a scratch on them if she tried to attack them, for she was mortal, and they were creatures of the warp, they were weak, judging by the laughter of her patron, but they were still powerful enough to kill her and her new war-band with relative ease.

Trying their best to not rise to Khorne's insulting laughter, the brothers looked to Ruby, their plans to convince her to denounce this 'god' were in tatters, her rage and anger had consumed her mind, and her soul now belonged to Khorne, through their unique vision that only gods could access, the brothers could see a thin chain, linking the mortals to the lost daughter of their world, and her to the god of blood in front of them.

"We shall leave, but know this. Daughter of Patch, pledging yourself to this god" light spoke the title as though it was the vilest of poison, "will cause your soul to entertain your 'patron' for all eternity, and we will not save you when you beg for our forgiveness." And with those words, a crack of thunder echoed across the room, and the brothers were gone.

"Well done, young Ruby. You just defied the gods of your home world, and shown your loyalty to me. I now give you, a reward." Khorne spoke with surprising support and kindness to Ruby. "A reward?" She asked in confusion and surprise.

"Yes, a reward, I have managed to create a path to your home world of Remnant, on your world, their will be eight people standing between you and demonhood. You will be able to identify them thanks to a blood red halo above their heads." Khorne described to them before red portal's surrounded the small war band as bloodletters and flesh hounds began to pour out and knelt before her.

After a quick headcount, Ruby counted at least a hundred bloodletters and fifty flesh hounds. And Khorne let out a booming laugh as, with a flick of his hand, a blood-red Juggernaut was made in front of her and knelt in obedience and offering her the opportunity to ride it. And without a ounce of fear, she mounted the metal demon of war, it's metallic core letting out a low rumble of satisfaction.

After mounting the Juggernaut, Ruby had her men, and demons form up as, with a low rumble a blood red portal opened up and they marched through it. After what felt like hours, when in reality it was mere moments, they emerged in a ruined city. The jagged metal bones of the buildings pointed skywards, as though they could pierce the very sky above them, hoping to grab the shattered moon and drag it down to the planet.

And upon noticing the shattered moon, did Ruby smile, but it wasn't a kind or happy smile. It was a smile promising carnage and destruction, and it didn't fade as the men and demons swarmed around her.

A.N. Hope you guys enjoyed, see you later!

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