XI: Re-initiation

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"-and that basically brings us to now." Ruby said calmly as she looked between the occupants of the room. It was a habit she had picked up from the gladiator pits, always useful in helping her read her enemies movements, even just before they launched an attack. And it was damn near impossible for her to simply turn off.

Her uncle Qrow and Professor Glynda Goodwitch were both looking at her with sorrow and regret, as though they wished that she was still the same naïve girl she was before she disappeared. Headmaster Ozpin...he was damn near impossible to read and his posture was the same, but there was something about him that put Ruby on edge, a slight tingle formed in the back of her mind as she stared at him. And then there was General Ironwood, the man was practically an open book to her!

He appeared at a glance to have the posture of the ideal soldier, dignified, yet ready for battle. But Ruby could see the truth. He was more akin to a predator laying in ambush, his muscles tightening in preparation for a attack, his hand hovering over the pistol in the holster on his hip. A real hidden warrior, and he clearly did not believe Ruby. Smart man. "And how do we know that this isn't just a fanciful lie that you made up just to ignore the fact that you can now control GRIMM?!" Ironwood practically yelled out at her as he slammed his hands down onto Ozpin's desk.

It took all of Ruby's restraint to not burst out laughing at his actions. But despite her best efforts, a small bark of laughter escaped her before she spoke. "You-you really think that the Bloodletters and Flesh hounds, are GRIMM!" She couldn't help herself and burst out laughing, gripping her sides as she keeled over laughing. It took several minutes before she could finally stop laughing and stand up, wiping away tears of laughter as she noticed Ironwood glaring at her, his body tensing up being a clear indicator of what his body planned to do before his brain could catch up.

Ironwood was about to open his mouth in response. But Ozpin beat him to the punch and spoke first. "That is enough James. Ms. Rose is still a student of Beacon Academy. Provided of course, that she can defeat team CRDL in a battle." That caught Ruby off guard for a few moments before a bloodthirsty smile quickly overtook her face.

*Scene Change*

Students from all four academies file into the combat classroom, an arena surrounded by tiered seats with a small hard-light dust shield generator in the event of wild shots. They came in ones and two's at first, but quickly came in entire teams. Teams WBY and JNPR were the first ones into the classroom and managed to find seats at the front. Team CFVY were only moments behind them and took the seats behind them. To everyone's shocked surprise, scores of The Children of Khorne flooded in to the stands and found seats. None of them spoke, for there were no words to be said.

 None of them spoke, for there were no words to be said

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In the centre of the arena, stood Team CRDL. Cardin Winchester, team leader and number one asshole and bully of Beacon stood with his mace, The Executioner resting on his shoulder. His smile was, as ever, was beaming with ego and self importance as he tried to show off in front of everyone. His partner, Russel Thrush stood next to him with his dual knives already drawn and fire dust crystal's already loaded into the hilt as he looked at the growing audience with barely concealed anxiety.

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