VI: Family reunion

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Ruby looked across the blood soaked cave to her sister and friends as she waved at them as though she wasn't standing in a field of corpses and waved at her sister with a warm, happy smile. "Hiya Yang!" Yang simply numbly looked at her little sister waving at her as though she wasn't standing ankle deep in corpses and blood before doing the only logical thing she could think of doing. And passed out from the shock.

Weiss and Blake were close to joining Yang, this was a stark contrast to their team leader from before she disappeared from the docks four weeks ago. They were tempted to run down there and hug Ruby before asking what happened, but their immediate concern was Yang. But just as they knelt down next to her, she was suddenly engulfed in a swarm of red rose petals, and Blake would later confide in her teammates. With the exception of Ruby, for obvious reasons, her petals now stank of blood.

"Yang! Are you okay?" Ruby asked repeatedly at a mile a minute as she shook her sister like a rag doll. From Yang, her body limply shook as the only sign of life from her was her chest rising and falling from breathing. After three minutes of continuous shaking, Ruby suddenly had a idea that was guaranteed to work on her sister, and gave a evil smile that caused everyone around her to take a fearful couple of steps back.

"Well Yang, I guess this means I finally get to cut your hair." She said loud enough for everyone to hear her, and as she approached her sister's hair did Yang suddenly sit up with fear plastered across her face. "No!" Yang screamed out in fear as she looked around before seeing her sister's blood soaked face with a shit-eating grin on her face. Yang numbly looked at her sister for a moment before wrapping her in a bone-crushing hug.

Or at least, it would have been bone-crushing. If Ruby hadn't been stronger than before she'd disappeared, and returned the hug happily. "I'm back, Yang. And I'm not going anywhere else." Ruby muttered in her sister's ear reassuringly. She looked around at her friends and nodded, as though to say, 'it's good to see you guys again.'

It was at this moment that Jaune Arc, leader of team JNPR stepped forward nervously, his eyes drawn to the severed head knocking next to the skull on her hip. "R-ruby? Why do you have two severed heads on your hip?" His tone was drenched in fear and horror at the sight of his first friend at Beacon walking around with TWO skulls on her belt.

Ruby's only response was a sheepish grin as she rubbed the back of her neck. "They're...battle trophies" she muttered to herself as her mind attempted to find the right words, before absolute pandemonium broke out. Most of the questions that battered against Ruby were mostly along the lines of "why do you have severed heads as trophies?"

"They tried to kill me!" Ruby yelled in response, causing everyone to stop and look at her, slack-jawed. "And the first fucker had tried to kill me with my baby!" She continued in her rant, causing them to do a double take, that one. That made...some sense, they all knew how much Crescent Rose meant to Ruby.

It was at this moment, that the rest of Ruby's war band caught up to them, their weapons drawn and the demons were kept as far back as possible. They were the ace in the hole for them, this world's weapons barely scratched their skin, and if a firefight broke out, the blessed demons would be able to take them down. "Boss, what in Khorne's name is going on?" One of them, a veteran of the pits like Ruby asked in confusion.

"Just a family reunion Mikial." Ruby responded with a warm smile as she looked up at her men, much to their surprise at her kindness. As the two groups came face to face, Ruby looked at her men as she and her sister stood up. "Are the charges in place?" Mikial gave a quick nod as he passed her a detonator, "yeah, boss, all set to blow. Here's the switch." As he spoke though, Ruby noticed that Mikial was nervous. "Is there a problem Mikial?"

"Boss, this doesn't seem like something the World Eaters would do." He replied nervously, his answer causing the majority of the war band to look at him with anger for mentioning their former masters, and Ruby suddenly exploded on him. "WE ARE NOT THE FUCKING WORLD EATERS!" She forced Mikial to look at the ten forsaken in their ranks before continuing her rant. "THAT IS THE FATE OF ALL WORLD EATERS! THEY WILL ALL EVENTUALLY TURN INTO DISHONOURED! BUT NOT US! WE DO NOT BEAR THE CURSE OF THEIR BUTCHERS NAILS! WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF KHORNE! AND ALL WHO OPPOSE US WILL BLEED!"

After taking a quick break, Ruby looked around at her warrior's before raising a clenched fist to the roof of the cave and asking her men a question. "Who are we?" And as one, they responded. "THE CHILDREN OF KHORNE!" They began chanting, pride and promise of bloodshed coating their name as the chanted a total of eight times. In honour of their god who reforged them into what they are now. And only in private, would Oobleck and Port admit that they felt fear at the sight in front of them.

A.N. I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all next time!


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