V: Omake 1: Bane's pain

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A.N. This is pure humour and NOT CANON

Ruby saw the attack coming and barely dodged it before a chainsaw nearly took a gouge out of her aura, and maybe more. It seemed that the leader, was challenging her personally. He raised his chainsaw in a two handed grip and looked at her through his mask. "You will die here you human whore!" He bellowed at her in rage, as he prepared to lunge at her.

Ruby simply gave him a 'are you serious?' look as he started to rant about their just cause and how the brothers had declared their cause to be righteous. As he continued his rant, Ruby simply pointed Crescent Rose at his crotch and blew it away with a single shot, along with both of his legs, and he screamed in pain.

Up with the students and teachers from Beacon, Blake suddenly grabbed her cat ears in pain as she started rolling on in the floor in agonising pain "make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!" She yelled out as bane's screams of pain had reached a pitch that only Faunus and their animal counterparts could hear.

Up at Beacon academy, every Faunus student and staff member were on the ground, trying desperately to block out the noise, but it was too no avail. Ozpin could only look on in muted horror as the noise reached a pitch where the windows began to shatter, but those could be replaced. The true horror was that his coffee mug had shattered!

In Haven Academy, the crowning jewel of the mountainous city of Mistral, headmaster Leonardo Lionheart was tackling the battle against the great evil known as. Paperwork that came from the curse that is being the headmaster of a huntsman academy.  As he finished another sheet, he suddenly heard a pained cry from...something. It was not the sound of a man, or Grimm, and it began to scare him. A few moments later, one of his assistants entered his office.

"Sir, the Faunus students have been complaining about a-" the words died on their lips as they saw the headmaster rocking back and forth in the corner of the room, muttering to himself in shell shock. "Make it stop-make it stop" he kept repeating to himself with wide eyes.

On the island of Menagerie, the chieftain and his wife, Ghira and Kali Belladonna were enjoying some time off from running the island, the job was so boring that sometimes. They missed the days when they ran the White Fang in the early days of the organisation, when all of a sudden, the bellow reached them. "Is that...bane?" Ghira asked in shocked surprise at the pitch of the familiar voice.

"Yeah, maybe Sienna finally got pissed off at him for always trying to flirt with her and kicked him in the balls before cutting them off." Kali answered in a bored manner as she changed the page of her favourite book, 'Ninja's of Love'. She was still holding a grudge against a old friend from beacon who managed to ruin a ship that she had been working on for YEARS! And Ghira knew better than to try calming his wife down.

*meanwhile, in the warp*

Khorne was laughing harder than anyone had ever seen before as he and the other three gods watched Ruby shoot Bane in the balls. "That's my champion!" He panted out before laughing hard enough to start crying as he rolled on the floor, clutching where his stomach would be in pain. Tzeench could only watch on in mute horror at the sheer brutality that he had just witnessed. "Not even I could have seen that one coming." He muttered to himself quietly. Nurgle was in the same boat as Tzeench, as he let out a low rumble of "not even crotch rot was this brutal to its victims."

Slannesh, unlike the other three, was watching the scene with her face covered in a blood red blush, the entire act had...turned her on. "Oh, I hope she does that to me one day~" the goddess of pleasure moaned in lustful wanting as the other three instinctively took eights steps away from her, not wanting anything to do with her.

*Meanwhile, in the imperial palace*

The emperor of mankind, sat immobile on the golden throne of terra for the past ten millennia let out a mechanical "what the fuck is that noise?" As the captain-general of his bodyguard looked around in confusion. "My lord? What are you talking about?" He asked in confusion, and fear of his masters mental state. "I am talking about that scream, it sounds as though someone is trying to call Leman Russ with a fucking dog whistle." The half dead emperor droned out from his text to speech device.

*Meanwhile, in earth 274-v*

Vegeta, lord of all saiyans, looked up into the sky with confusion and rage on his face. "Okay, what the hell am I hearing? Is that Kakarot? Is that me?!" He then asked in outrage to no-one but himself. "Is that me in more pain than me?! I'LL FUCKING KILL ME!" He screamed at the top of his lungs before punching himself in the dick.

A.N. I hope you all enjoyed reading this, I will see you all later!

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