Chapter 1 A Brother's Concern

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When Klonoa was awake and made sure he was really back. He found himself in his bed, and another cabbit was shocked to see him awake. The wild eared cabbit called their grandpa to come in, and both were in tears, hugging him and telling him how he had been in some kind of sleeping trance. Now Klonoa was confused, as he didn't seem to recognize his older brother. But he did recognize his grandfather. Aero had asked Jeramiah what was wrong with Klonoa, and could something have happened while he was stuck under that sleeping spell? Jeramiah had asked Klonoa, who tried to explain, but was still in a confused and shock state, it also didn't help that his head hurt from the effects of waking up. That was when Jeramiah had a solution.

Jeramiah: This is a rare thing to happen. Usually it would be used by nightmare entities, but those of dreams. I'm a bit perplexed. If we are to help Klonoa, it would be wise to take it easy, take him places where he's familiar with, and spending time.

Aero: And you're sure that will work?

Jeramiah: My boy I've lived and foreseen these kinds of side effects. Klonoa, will you be fine with that?

Klonoa: Uhh sure grandpa.

Aero:-What could have happened while he was under that spell? In fact what adventures did he go on? I sure hope this works. . .-

And so for the next couple of days, they did what they could to help the cabbit out. At first it was slow, but was being helpful to Klonoa. While Aero was helping, but gave him space as it would be much easier to settle. Little by little when Klonoa's healing was working, Aero had felt alone, it was strange yet was also hurting. When Klonoa was playing and exploring, Aero came to his grandfather for comfort. Aero would explain that he didn't understand why his brother had to be targeted, why he did not recognize him when he woke up? All these feelings were confusing yet also taring him up inside. Jeramiah simply explained to him that, while it takes time, Klonoa will regain his memories, and the two will be able to become friends again. This made the young cabbit relieved about that, if there was anyone that knows these things better then people he knows, its Jeramiah.

Jeramiah: Klonoa's a special boy, and I'm sure somewhere inside, he knows you mean well.

Aero: I hope so, , ,I'm just scared that he won't remember me.

Jeramiah: Aero, my child. Do you really doubt Klonoa's healing?

Aero: Yeah, I don't want to lose my brother.

Jeramiah patted his head and stroked the ear, this caused Aero to purr as it helped him calm down. It has been over a few weeks since Klonoa had regain his memories, and was able to explain to his brother and grandfather of what happened. They were both shocked, yet also disgusted at the fact that happened to the young dream traveler. Jeramiah had explained to Klonoa about the sleeping spell, and perhaps that was how he was summoned and why he was chosen as a dream traveler. Even though Klonoa did started to feel like his old self, how much happier and relieved to be with those who were there for him. He still felt the pain within his heart, his soul still needing to heal from the experience. Klonoa could not stop thinking about Phantomile, those residents he knew in his world, it was when he met Huepow, and what he thought was real and true, to knowing the truth. And how waking, feeling heartbreak and betrayed, being used and how naïve he was. To trust someone he thought was his friend. Part of him still thinks of them being friends, giving the moments they did share on their adventure. However a part of him was still sad, angry, even lost and confusion were the most he felt. He would go to the forest, up onto the roof, or even to where him and Aero would hang out. It was whenever he needed time to think, and how nothing he did seemed to make a difference. It was when he heard a familiar yet welcoming tone.

Aero: I knew I would find you here. Grandpa told me you went off on your own again.

Klonoa: Oh! Uh hi Aero. D-did I really again? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you.

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