Chapter 5 Battle in the Sun Temple

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Upon reaching the area, it was more of a massive factory like structure above the clouds. Aero know that this place would be tough, mostly due to the lava within places that required careful jumps. Plus him needing to time his very carefully, as cabbits were not fireproof, along with falling to the clouds below. Now while Aero wasn't afraid of heights, he has never had to deal with this kind of environment before, not even during his own dream travels, meaning he would need to be extra cautious. The duo were then greeted by a couple of soldiers of the temple, as they explained that they were expecting their arrival, and that they are to meet with the Priest at the top. One explains that they would not be able to help due to being more observant, while the other  simply says they're cowards. Aero knew that this would be just as hard, but he will do whatever it takes. Navigating through the place was tricky, but nothing too difficult, it was more of the jumping he needed to be careful with. Until he made a slip up and was about to fall.

Huepow: WAAH! Klonoa we're about to fall!

Aero: HENYA!-Come on Aero! Come on, trust your instincts, don't think, just feel. And, , ,let them flow like the wind!-

In that split second, Aero had landed onto a moving platform. Before he felt himself spring high into the air, with Huepow telling out of shock and surprise. They landed onto a much higher platform, with Aero panting from not only the adrenaline he gained from that moment, but that he had finally gotten the feel for his super jump again. Huepow had come out of the ring to check if his friend was alright, but also was surprised at the sudden ability the cabbit had just used.

Huepow: Wow that was incredible Klonoa! Just what was that, I didn't even know you could even jump that high!

Aero: I -panting- I'm not sure, it's like my body reacted on it's own. 

Huepow: Well if you hadn't used that, we would've fallen for sure. 

Aero: Yeah, man I would have been ether a cooked cabbit, or a pancake.

Huepow: But you do know what this means right? With that ability, we can make it up to the Priest in no time!

Aero: Yeah, let's hurry.

With Aero's ability back, he was able make it through the structure, and has even bypassed some parts that would require waiting or moving upward, though Aero would still need to becareful due to some parts still being tricky. They were able to make it through and were able to arrive at an upper part of the temple. The soldiers from earlier appear again, and explained to them some information about Ghadius, This was news to Aero, as Klonoa mentioned to him that he didn't fully understand too much about the dark spirit. But all he knew  was that there was more to Ghadius then what he thought. Yet the soldiers were more worried about the fact the eclipse is now present. This meant the monsters would change and not be effected by Aero's attacks. But he was more then ready to get to the top, if their enemy was here, then he would take the fight to them. And with his super jump, it should not take very long, sure with Klonoa would've had a very tricky time with the eclipse timer. Along with the puzzles that needed to be done, and even bottomless pits should he slip up. Aero with his super jump, along with timing with the wind bullet, was very much feeling the rush of freedom once again. With his heart beating strongly, the wind flowing through his fur, made him feel more alive. His hearing was still keen, meaning he was able to pick up he sound of someone up ahead. The arrived within taller location of the temple, and met with the Priest Moris, who was grateful that they arrived. He explains in more detail about Ghadius and how the dark spirit was sealed away long ago, that those of the light fearing him. Even if the dark spirit was shunned away, Aero who's seen all on what Klonoa's been through by this journey. The younger cabbit would've done things differently, had things hadn't been forced upon him. This made Aero more determined to see this through, it was when his eyes had flashed to appear more cat-like, which got Huepow's attention.

Huepow: Klonoa your eyes, , ,they look different, are you, scared?

Aero: No, i'm fine. Let's hurry.

The spirit boy didn't try asking further, seeing how Aero's tone was mixed between anger and vengeance, it scared the prince as he's never seen the cabbit become fixated on getting revenge.  He just remained quiet as they make it onto the platform, that would take them to the top of the temple. As they were rising, Aero couldn't shake this feeling that Huepow was starting to catch on, given his abilities, skills and even his behavior. He just needed to last long enough to get the answers he's came for, he just hopes the prince won't be too shaken up by the whole thing. Little known to the cabbit, the prince, in his own thoughts, felt something different.

Huepow:-Klonoa, , , you aren't a monster, I can feel it. Your heart, it's hurting. . .I, choose to fight along side you.-

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