Chapter 3 Plagues Of Forlock And Jugpot

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They knew that they would need to be careful, as without Aero's super jump he would need to rely on his ear flaps and enemy bouncing, plus due to it being high within the treetops. When they arrived, they were shocked to find that the forest was withering away, with leaves falling, and the trees looking almost like skeletons. They knew they needed to find out what was going on. As Aero traveled through he could see that the place was crawling with enemies and how tricky his jumps were, as he needed ways to get up to the platforms. They managed to make it to a part of the forest where a solider of Jugpot was standing, looking all confused but also concerned. He explained that he was stuck due to the water not being there, and seemed unsure on telling some kids what was really going on. However Aero had a good idea so him and Huepow decided to go to the water kingdom to check it out.

Aero:-Man I always wanted to visit this place! I hear it's really pretty and it's waters are crystal clear. Even the dragon fish are said to be pretty and graceful, but also kind hearted. Guessing this is how i'll be able to experience through my visit here.-

The first sign when they get there, is that the waterfall was flowing upwards rather then down. It was both shocking but also amazing due to how tall it was, yet also realized how much they would need to time their jumps, or else they'll fall into the pits below. To make things a bit more tricky, was that the rocks were very slippery, making Aero's jumps a bit more harder. Thankfully him using the ear flaps helped make it to where he didn't fall. Inside the caves, were many crystals, and it's shining waters reflected the sunshine from the outside. It didn't take very long to get to the castle. It was massive to them, but they didn't have time to admire as they could hear a child-like cry. Up ahead they see a small fish-like dragon child inside a cage, who was crying in distress. Seeing this Aero used the ring on the switch to let him out. Being grateful the fish had asked them to help his mommy, who was under some kind of dark curse. This caused Aero to grip the ring tight, and felt determined to help.

Aero:-That's horrible! To think that Ghadius guy would get away with this!-

The fish told them his name was Karal, he was hopeful that they could help. Even if Aero was traveling through a dream, he could tell Klonoa wouldn't deny helping someone who was in need, neither will he. Upon arriving the cursed form of the sea king Seadoph appears, along with the cursed fish dragon Pamula. She was not only aggressive, but also acting as some kind of twisted attack pet to the king, who was riding atop her back and giving commands.

Aero:-That Ghadius, doing this to innocent locals! If talking won't do much, then I guess I'll have to take them out! Just hope it will be enough to snap them out of whatever spell they're under.-

As the battle started already the dark king was sending spiked balls on the pathway. While Pamula was using massive bubbles that would suffocate the cabbit if he got trapped, and even a dash attack that would've tried to knock him into the waters below. Even though Aero wouldn't have any issues due to him being able to swim. However being in the water with a highly dangerous sea creature, did not sound like a fun time. It was when Aero found a way to take them both out, and that is by carefully timing his jumps, even grabbing hold of the king and tosses him into Pamula. If this was going to work, he needed to be extra careful as the fish dragon was getting more agitated and was becoming more and more hostile. This did do some damage to Aero, however with correct timing and patients, and aimed one last time, knocking them both out. A light beamed from within and it seemed that act was enough to purify the two back to their normal selves. Aero went to make sure the king was alright, only to hear the sound of a shriek, and what came out of a puff of smoke, was the clown minion Joka. Who was yelling in a furious yet hysteric tone, where Aero was tired by this clown's tantrums, casually walks over and used his ring to launch him into the water.

Joka: Grrr how do you call yourself the king of Jugpots. When you get beaten by little children!? Useless, Hopeless, Pathedic- Ack! I'll be back!

Aero:-Man that guy's annoying! I'm pretty sure Klonoa must've had to deal with this joker a bunch of times too!-

The king  luckily was not as badly hurt as Aero had thought, and was told about the water problem. After the waters were flowing back to normal, the duo were able to return to the forest village with the help of Karal, who was happy to escort them. When they arrived back, they could see that Forlock's trees have come back to life and were shown to have many obstacles coming up.

Aero:-It's great to see this place back to it's original state. Now to visit granny and see if she can help.-

Aero would need to be wary on where he jumps and glides, while also dealing with tricky puzzles and enemies. But he did see that the locals were able to help him during the tough parts. Aero had to admit that it was really fun exploring the place. He had gone with his grandfather and brother before, and it still amazes him at how massive and how lively the forest truly was. Though some areas did confuse him, and even had him face planted into trees a few times, where it made the cabbit a bit dizzy, yet he still continued onward. It was when he had yet another encounter with Joka, and this time he was taunting him about if cabbit can reach him.

Aero:-So Joka thinks I can't get up there huh? Well I may not be able to jump high on my own yet, but I can make use of this neat little trick I learned.-

He managed to juggle himself with enemy spawns to get up and reached the top. This startled Joka who was shocked at how skilled the cabbit could make it up there. However he stopped for a moment, now getting a better look at the troublesome brat who's been causing his plans to fail. Something seemed different about him, , ,he wasn't short like the last time, nor did he sound like he could be about 8 to 9 years old. No this cabbit was far more experienced and wasn't as clueless. Joka who had been keeping track of this kid from the sidelines. He was observing carefully, it dawned on him, this kid was not Klonoa. Feeling that he could mess with this new dream traveler in other ways, a slight grin came to his face.

Joka: So, I see why Lord Ghadius' been interested in a brat such as yourself.

Aero: Huh what are you talking about?

Joka: Don't get too comfy kitty, this is far from over.~ Don't try and make this repetitive like the one from before okay? Afterall the show must go on!~ Hee hee hee Toot a Loo!

He then flees into the forest, leaving behind the key that was needed, leaving behind a very confused Aero.

Aero: H-hey wait! What do you mean by that?!-Darn it! He got away! But what did he mean by, repetitive?-

While Huepow did not comment, he reminded the cabbit that they needed to get a move on. Aero agreed and was making his way through the maze, and made it to where he finds the lift. When they reached the top, they find Joka threatening the cheiftess, to give information about where the Moon Pendant was, less he had to get terrible.

Aero: Not on my watch you talking beachball!

Joka: Oh so you have finally made it, I was getting bored just waiting around. But since you took all the time into messing with my plans, as well as become a thorn in my side. I believe this calls for something more sharp!

He then summons another giant monster, a plant based one called Gleg Bolm. Joka then jumped away where he could view from a hidden area, and see just what this kid was all about. The plant could move, the shell was tough and took no damage from the sides, it can create giant boulders and it could jump high in the air. However this enemy was much slower then the last enemy, meaning Aero could time it just right, and with a few hits he was able to take it out. Granny was safe and gave them the information about the moon kingdom. But when Huepow mentioned that grandpa had it, Joka appeared and made it clear that he was going to take it. Yet the tone he spoke in was much more sinister, almost gleeful about doing this and left. Aero despite knowing why he was here, has learned that sometimes, those effected by certain dreams can effect the person in ways. Even causing them a fatal end. And the fear of losing another family member, it drove him to try and get their before that jester could.

Aero: Oh no grandpa! We have to get there before that creep does, and fast!

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