Chapter 2 It's Familiar Yet Strange

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Aero finds himself waking up within the forest of Breezegale, yet it was daytime instead of night.

Aero: Huh how did I get here? Was I sleep walking or something? Hm? Klonoa, where are you?

He gets up, only to feel something on his head. It was Klonoa's hat, it was strange cause he would normally never wear hats due to his ears. He would only during winter as they were sensitive.

Aero: How did I get this? This isn't making any sense.

It was when he felt his ears, they were much more soft and lighter. They were not his usual upward spikey wild ones. It was like he had clouds on them. He was confused but then noticed a lake near by. When he walked up to it, he looked into the reflection, where Aero was shocked at the sight. Instead of himself, he looked just like Klonoa.

Aero: W-what, MENYAAAAAAAAAA!!! W-what's going on?! Why am I like this, why do I look like this!?

In a panic he began to run back and forth, up and down, it looked as if he was going crazy. However that soon stopped after hitting a branch and leaving him dazed.

Aero: Owww! Ok calm down and think Aero, ok me and Klonoa were sleeping in the bed, could I have been summoned to the dream world? If so then why am I even here? What I said couldn't have led to this right? That's ridiculous. But if it is then. . .

He was pondering through his thoughts, but then noticed how the dream version was indeed different, mostly with the way the trees were looking strange yet oddly colorful. He sees that the wild life looked no different, except the butterflies, that gave off a strange glow. it was when he noticed something coming down from the sky. He then walked over to take a look, he could see a ring sticking out.

Aero: Wait isn't this, Klonoa's Wind Bullet? How is it here? Maybe this was how he got it. . .It was pretty late that night, maybe this was how he ended up in that sleeping state.

Aero had thought back to when it did happen, the brothers were busy playing, until something came out of the sky. Aero had witnessed his brother being curious to check it out, only for him to suddenly fall into sleeping state, which thankfully only lasted for the rest of the night. He reaches for it, finding it hard to get out of the ground. He put some effort into getting the ring, only to have Aero being flung back, with the ring in hand. It glows and a voice started speaking to him, a child-like voice was talking from inside.

Huepow: Hi there, sorry for the rough landing there! I hope I didn't scare you, my name is Huepow, what's yours?

A little turquoise spirit with a halo and star bit on the head came out of the ring. Giving a friendly innocent smile, in fact this spirit seemed to be no more then a child-like being. Giving what Aero remembers what Klonoa had told him, this was the so called prince who aided him on his journey. This was confusing to Aero, but decided he should play along so he could get some answers.

Aero: Hi Huepow, i'm Klonoa from Wind Village!-Man I must've sounded like a dork! But I gotta play along, see what this dream's about. And maybe see if this kid's really as terrible as Klonoa made him sound.-

Huepow: Klonoa, well it's nice to meet you. I see you have the Wind Bullet with you, that must mean you are able to use it! Only chosen heroes can wield it, though I would need to power it in order for it to work.

Aero: Wow really? I didn't know that's how it works. Can you really do that?

Huepow: Of course, I can make it possible.

The more Aero get's to learn about Huepow, the more it seemed like this kid wasn't having any ill intentions. In fact he sounded rather honest with the way he was explaining things. This gave the cabbit some mix ideas and feelings. It was until Huepow noticed the town and thus the two headed to Breezegale. It was until it suddenly turn dark and a large shadowy figure appears, looming over the town. To Aero's knowledge this was the sign of something very dangerous. Something that Klonoa mentioned about the threats of monstrous foes he's had to face. Not only that, but this strange feeling he got, this eerie, ominous, cold feeling.

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