Chapter 7

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September 14, 2017

Tim: Second week of school. How's it going?

Mitch: Good. Homecoming game is coming up.

Tim: You playing?

Mitch: No, just varsity.

Tim: I thought you tried out for varsity.

Mitch: I did. I forgot to tell you the results. I made varsity but as third string. I'll never play so I barely count.

Tim: But you are captain now right? We were talking about that a lot this summer.

Mitch: I am captain. How about you?

Tim: I'm captain.

Mitch: I'm with the captain of the baseball team. Hottest guy in school.

Tim: You don't go to my school. Or are you saying the captain of your baseball team is the hottest?

Mitch: Never. You're the only guy I see.

Tim: *blushing*

Mitch: Do you want to play a game?

Tim: Sure.

Mitch: I found a list of 200 get to know you questions.

Tim: Don't we know each other?

Mitch: We could always learn more. What's your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned?

Tim: Lilac and teal converse.

Mitch: laughs loudly

Tim: What?

Mitch: What grade?

Tim: 7th?

Mitch: laughs hysterically

Tim: What?

Mitch: That's pretty gay.

Tim: So?

Mitch: Alright next question.

Tim: Am I supposed to ask questions?

Mitch: Yeah. Just google 200 questions to get to know each other.

Tim: What fictional place would you like to go?

Mitch: oh, MCU New York for sure.

Tim: You'll die.

Mitch: Most likely but I'll get saved by Iron Man at least once before that.

Tim: Doesn't seem worth it.

Mitch: To each their own. Where would you live?

Tim: Bikini Bottom

Mitch: My mom wouldn't let me watch that show as a kid. Said it killed brain cells but now that I'm older I think it was the inneudos.

Tim: The inneudos definitely made me think a lot.

Mitch: Probably made you into the perv you are.

Tim: Maybe. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?

Mitch: Saturday morning your baseball game. Rest all day in bed. Sunday morning my football game. Rest of the day in bed.

Tim: Isn't that pretty much how you spend your weekend already?

Mitch: DId you miss the part where I get to support you at your game? And I want you in my bed.

Mitch I mean...

Tim: I know what you mean but you just gave me such ammunition.

Mitch: Yay.

Tim: Is that sarcasm I read?

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