The Beginning

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For what must have been hours, Donald John Trump and his small team had been driving through the seemingly endless landscape of grassy plains. Normally he would be mindlessly scrolling twitter, but the lack of cell reception caused him to be trapped within his own thoughts. Who knew one simple mistake could cause his people to revolt against him? Whatever. There's no need to dwell on something so minuscule. Donald once again wondered aloud where on Earth his driver could possibly be taking him. As if to answer his prayers, the car passes a large signed titled "Pelican Town". "That's a stupid name", Donald remarks. Excluding a side eye from his assistant, nobody says a word.
Suddenly, the car takes a sharp turn onto a small dirt road. As the car continues onwards, the driver begins to explain how he inherited this farm from his grandfather many years ago, and it would now be where Donald would be staying until tensions cooled. After the car parked, his team members began carrying his few belongings into the small cabin, with Donald following close behind. Donald is taken aback as he enters the cabin.
"How can I possibly be expected to live here!" he exclaims. "This isn't fit for a pig, much less someone like me!"
None of his team members acknowledge his concerns, and instead begin to talk him through his situation.
"Alright Donald," began his hottest assistant. "We've packed you a few bags worth of essentials and money to get you through the next few weeks. We can't stay long, and I need you to remember, do not leave the cabin. This is for your own protection."
Unfortunately, Donald was too busy staring at her voluptuous features to comprehend what she was saying.

Without any further discussion, the team members leave the house, leaving Donald all alone in the disgusting cabin. Donald stares at what's left, an old television, a creaky bed, and the essentials his assistant packed him. He quickly makes work, arranging his noise machine and golf clubs into their designated areas. While going through his belongings, he couldn't help but notice the lack of allowance he was given, roughly 35 grand.
"These people must expect me to live like an animal!" he exclaims to himself.
Donald continues setting up his new one roomed home until he finally decides to settle down for the night. After taking his melatonin, and turning on his noise machine, Donald falls into a deep sleep.

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