Meeting the Town

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    Hours later, Donald finally picked himself off the floor and realized just how hungry he was. He knew he'd have to get some food, or god knows what would happen! Donald looks at the bags of food he consumed the night before and has the horrible realization that there's none left. He then realizes his only solution it to go into town and scavenge for food. Donald grabs his meager allowance and begins walking the dirt path, that presumably leads to civilization.

    As he walks the path, Donald isn't impressed. So far the only thing he's passed is a desolate bus station. Ahead of him, he sees the outline of a few building, and quietly prays that there's some sort of subsistence there. As he enters the town, he sees it. Just what he's been searching for- a large, juicy leek sitting in the middle of a small patch of grass. Donald sprints to the leek, promptly shoving it into mouth in a single swoop.

Unbeknownst to Donald, a tall man with brown hair and glasses was standing not far away, watching the ordeal take place. When the man comes to his senses, he quickly runs over to Donald.
"Sir! Don't eat that leek off the ground!" Yells the man as he runs to Donald.
"If you're really that hungry I'm sure I can find you something to eat. We look out for each other here in Pelican Town."
Donald gives him a wary look, unsure of the man's intentions.
"I'm Harvey, by the way. I'm the town doctor, so if you need any help, I'm happy to provide."
With that simple phrase, Donald's expression changes from wariness, to anger.
"A doctor? Seriously? You know that whole Covid thing was a hoax, right? You're what's wrong with my nation, Harvey. I bet you're only talking to me so you can push your liberal agenda!!"

Donald stands up triumphantly, only then noticing the small crowd that has now surrounded him, all looking at him with with shock in their eyes. Donald immediately realizes why they're so surprised. He looks around, waving patriotically and flashing his signature smile.
"Citizens of Pelican Valley, yes, it's me. Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America. As you all just saw, I put this liberal sheep in his place."
Donald puts his hands on his hips and widens his stance so resembles a super hero.
"You all can thank me later!"
Suddenly, a small child who was previously hidden behind his mother steps in front of the crowd.
"You're not the president!" He yells.
"Son, yes I am. This is my country you're living in." Replies Donald.
"No you aren't! He is!"
With that, the boy points to a billboard situated behind them. On the board, a picture of Sleepy Joe Biden holding his very own Joeja Cola™️, flashing a large smile is shown. Donald gasps at the sight. How has Sleepy Joe infiltrated such a remote community? Is this why they don't have McDonald's?? Could his former lover now sworn enemy seriously have taken over his title? The one he earned and rightfully deserved?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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Trump in the Valley (Donald Trump x Joe Biden)Where stories live. Discover now