Pack Mentality

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Adam pulled into school Monday morning after a quiet weekend at home with his dad to see cops surrounding a bus. Reaching over he picked up his phone calling his dad.
"Hello?" Bobby answered.
"Are you at school yet?" Adam asked him getting out of the car and locking the door.
"Nope, I had to turn back I forgot some papers, why?" He answered.
"There are cops everywhere. They are all over a bus, I wanted to ask if you knew anything." Adam told him walking into the school and was interrupted by Lydia who took the phone.
"Hi, Bobby!" She said. After a brief conversation, she hung up handing the phone back to Adam.
"Your dad said not to worry." She told him.
"How are you not worried?" He asked her as they stopped by his locker where Jackson was waiting.
"What are you guys talking about?" He asked them pulling Lydia into a kiss.
"The bus." Adam told him as he fumbled with his lock.
"Probably a drug thing." Jackson said shrugging. Lydia hummed while handing Adam a few of her extra books.
"It wouldn't kill you to use your own locker you know, and why do you always go to drugs. Did you not see all the blood? The door was popped open like a soda can." Adam said taking the books from Lydia and stuffing them inside.
"Your locker is closer to my after noon classes. You could always tell me no." Lydia told him.
"We both know that would work out poorly for me." He told her making Jackson nod in agreement.
"Okay, I gotta stop by my locker now, unless you want to keep my books too." Jackson told them.
"Sorry, I take priority. See you in class." Lydia told him pulling Adam away.
"I have to stop y my dad's office." Adam protested.
"He told you not to worry." Lydia told him waving bye to Jackson.

Adam sat next to Lydia in science class lightly tapping his pencil on the desk.
"This is why you're failing half your classes. Have you heard a single word he's said." Lydia teased pulling the pencil from his hand.
"Why would I need to pay attention when I have my brilliant best friend to help me study?" He asked her.
"Besides my notes are always too messy to read." He told her flipping to a previous page to prove his point.
"You're disgraceful." She told him shaking her head ad handing him the pencil back.
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while. I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?" Mr. Harris Called out bringing Lydia and Adam from their conversation. Mr. Harris separated the pair after a brief protest from Stiles.
"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." He teased them as they moved.
"Do you think he hates us all, or just those two?" Adam asked Lydia as the teacher turned to resume his class.
"Leaning towards us all." She said pulling a poorly covered laugh from Adam.
"Hey, I think they found something." A girl sitting next to the window said causing the entire class to rush over and see. The paramedics were pushing a gurney out of the woods across the parking lot. The man on top was bloody and unmoving. Just before they could lift him into the ambulance the man shot up screaming causing the class to jump.
"Jesus!" Adam gasped out grabbing onto Lydia and pushing her back as if something was trying to attack them. As the class calmed down from the fright the bell rang loudly causing another round of gasps and screams to echo throughout the room.
"Come on, I heard your stomach start growling like 10 minutes ago." Lydia said pulling them back to their table to collect their stuff.

The lunchroom was full of gossip about the bus incident when they got there.
"Still think I shouldn't worry?" Adam teased as they joined Allison in line.
"I think the fact that you only ever hop between mine, Jackson's, or your house when you're not at school lessens your odds to be killed." Lydia told him.
"I go to the video store all the time." Adam tried to defend himself.
"Yeah, to pick up the same movie, you're in and out in five minutes tops." She argued back as Allison laughed at their banter.
"Fine, then can I be worried about miss life of constant adventure?" Adam joked.
"Yes, I do take priority after all." He told him smiling.
"That is the second time you said that today, should I be worried?" He asked her this time more seriously. Lydia hesitated before shaking her head.
"I'm just scared." She whispered to him and he picked up their lunch trays.
"Don't be, you take priority." He told her laughing.
"Where are we sitting today?" He asked looking between the girls. Lydia hummed while Allison looked around.
"Can we sit with Scott?" She asked them. Adam nodded and motioned her to lead the way.

As they walked up to the table Lydia interrupted their conversation by taking the seat one over from Scott leaving the one between them for Adam.
"figure what out?" She asked looking between the boys. Stiles gapes out of shock as Adam sat down handing Lydia her tray.
"Just, uh, homework." Scott told her while Stiles agreed.
"Ugh, don't remind me. My dad has been on my ass about that." Adam said tossing his head back.
"It's your own fault for ever doing it." Lydia told him. Adam hummed and shrugged as he opened his water bottle.
"Get up." Jackson ordered Greenburg when he walked up to the table.
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" He asked.
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny told him as Jackson pushed him out of the chair. Lydia smiled sweetly at his response.
"So I hear they're saying it's probably a cougar." Danny said.
"I heard mountain lion." Jackson argued.
"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia said pulling confused looks.
"Isn't it?" She asked after to cover it up while Adam let out a purr like growl to bring the attention away from her.
"Who cares the guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson said.
"Again with the drugs?" Adam asked him laughing lightly.
"Actually, I just found out who it is. check it out. Stiles said holding out his phone. A new clip playing on the screen.
"The sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack." The video said showing a picture of the man.
"Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition." The reporter added.
"I know this guy." Scott cut in.
"You do?" Allison asked him.
"yeah, when I used to take the bus back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver." Scott explained.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" Lydia asked leaning around Adam to look at Allison.
"You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?" She asked when Allison sent her a confused look.
"Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do." Allison told her.
"Well, I am not sitting at home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the five of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun.
"Count me out, not really into the whole fifth wheel thing." Adam told them.
"Hanging out? Like, the four of us?" Scott asked while Stiles and Adam met eyes and winced together.
"Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?" Scott continued to ask.
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Allison agreed.
"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." Jackson said raising his fork prompting Lydia to take it away from him and whack Adam on the head with it when he agreed with him.
"Why, why me?" He asked her rubbing the spot.
"You're a bad influence." She said before turning back to Jackson.
"How about bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia suggested.
"yeah, with actual competition." Jackson told her.
"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison egged him on.
"You can bowl, right?" She asked Scott.
"Sort of." Scott answered hesitantly.
"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson said leaning forward.
"Yes. In fact, I'm a great bowler." Scott challenged back. Adam looked at Stiles raising his brow. Stiles subtlety shook his head confirming Adam's thought. Scott was in fact, not a good bowler.

Adam had just barely stepped out of the shower when the loud ring of his phone echoed through the room pulled a yelp from him as he slipped on the wet ground below him.
"Hello?" Adam answered the phone with a breathless groan.
"What did I just interrupt?" Lydia asked with a voice of mock horror.
"You're damn ringtone is loud as hell it scared me and I fell over. When are you gonna stop changing it?" He asked her sitting up and leaning against the wall.
"Never, I'm calling to tell you I'm home." She answered.
"How was your forced double date?" He asked her.
"Boring. Jackson was all testosterone." She complained.
"Look you are both my friends but I don't see why you are still dating him if he makes you so miserable." He told her finally pulling himself off the floor.
"How about we talk about when you're gonna move on? It's been three months since what's her name left." Lydia asked changing the subject.
"Who could I possibly meet that is Lydia approved?" Adam asked her with a laugh.
"Allison is Lydia approved." She told him.
"Sorry lovely but I'm not a homewrecker." He told her rolling his eye and falling back on his bed.
"I just don't want to see you alone anymore." She told him softly.
"Someday I won't be. Hold in there matchmaker." Adam reassured her.
"Okay, I'm gonna go I have some homework to do." Lydia told him.
"Bye Bye." Adam said then hung up after she gave him a happy bye back.

(Thank you for reading!)

Adam FinstockWhere stories live. Discover now