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Adam had been so busy going over his newfound wolf hood that he was ashamed to admit he had been neglecting Erica. Things had finally gotten back on track for the two of them a few weeks after the Peter incident at the old Hale house. They had had dinner and seen a movie and now the peaceful ride home was exactly what Adam needed to relieve his pent up stress.
"Adam!" Erica shouted moving her hand from his to grab his arm.
"Shit!" Adam shouted slamming on the breaks.
"Was that dog?" Erica asked squinting down the dark street.
"We'll go with that." Adam said glaring at Scott as he took off through the trees.
"Are you okay?" She asked him as she lightly tapped the top of his hand. His once light and comforting grip on her thigh now felt as though it was bruising the skin.
"I'm sorry." Adam rushed out yanking his hand away from her leg.
"It's fine, it's okay." She told him leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"Did I hurt you?" Adam asked as he pushed her skirt up her leg to see where is hand was resting.
"Fuck." He mumbled to himself once the deep red marks were revealed. The shape of his fingers were quickly turning from red to purple.
"It's not that bad. You can barely see it." Erica told him. Adam sighed to himself once again reminded of his new reality. It was much worse than she thought. The darkness of the car hid the damage to her but he could see much better in the dark now.
"Let's get you home so we can ice it." He told her taking a deep breath and continuing his way down the road.

Pulling into his driveway Adam rushed out of the car to Erica's side. Adam hated himself as he watched her wince and she put weight on her injured leg.
"Worse then you thought huh?" He asked her as he lifted her into his arms bridal style. Erica squeaked and wrapped her arms tightly around Adam's neck for support.
"Can you get the door?" He asked her with a guilty smile. Erica giggled lightly before reaching down and pushing it open. Adam set Erica down on the counter and opened the freezer pulling out an icepack.
"Why do you have so many." She asked with a small laugh as He wrapped the frozen bag in a towel before placing it on her leg.
"After the accident anytime I get hit too hard on my left side I hurt for a while. Ice is needed." Adam told her resting his forehead against hers holding the pack in place for her.
"Not in the kitchen!" Bobby shouted coming in and opening the fridge. Adam pulled away from Erica to give his dad a sarcastic response but the words fell dry as he noticed her skirt had slipped over his hand hiding what was really happening.
"Ice!" Adam shouted pulling it out and shoving it in his dad's face. Erica had both hands over her mouth to stop her laughter while Bobby let it out.
"We almost hit a dog on the way here and Adam grabbed my leg a little hard so he was icing it for me." Erica said to try and help her boyfriend out a little.
"Are you both okay?" Bobby asked all traces of humor gone.
"Yeah, freaked out a little and accidentally hurt my girlfriend, but we're fine." Adam told him. Bobby looked between them for a moment with squinted eyes before nodding his head and walking out of the room.
"Do you mind if I stay here tonight? My parents had a date night and I don't really want to be home when they get home." Erica asked with a look of disgust. Adam chuckled lightly before nodding her head.
"Let me get you some clothes and we'll put this back on." He told her holding up the icepack.

Adam led Erica up to his room and lightly pushed her on the bed before turning and digging through his closet.
"Do you want pants or shorts?" Adam asked turning around clutching sweats in one hand and gym shorts in the other.
"Naked." Adam said to himself once he spotted Erica leaning back on the bed and blushing. She had stripped her clothes while his back was turned. She watched anxiously as the clothes fell from Adam's hands and his eyes ran down her exposed body.
"I-you-ummm...." Adam mumbled out as he took slow steps towards her.
"I what?" She asked sitting up.
"Are so beautiful." He said almost breathlessly as he leaned down to kiss her. Erica wrapped her arms around Adam falling backwards pulling him with her.
"This is okay?" He asked pulling back slightly.
"More than okay." She said with a solid nod. Adam grinned before leaning back into another kiss. One hand propped him up as the other ran down her body stopping at her hip.
"The condoms are in my-" Adam started but stopped when Erica held one up in her hand.
"I've had it since the dance." She said when Adam took it from her fingers with a slightly confused look.
"Which I still have to make up for by the way." He told her with an almost wicked smile. Erica creased her brows before letting out a squeak as Adam pushed her further put the bed and kissed her between her breasts and slowly making his way down her body. Soft breathy sounds left her lips at each hot kiss he left before she gasped loudly when he ran his tongue through her. Adam hummed happily at her noise before making himself at home between her legs. She jumped slightly as Adam placed the ice pack back over her thigh and he gripped it to keep her still. It was an interesting sensation, her whole body was hot and even almost scolding when his skin touched hers. All except the one spot on her upper thigh that was chilled thanks to the ice. With a rather harsh suck from Adam, Erica locked her fingers in his hair unintentionally pulling on it roughly. A low moan rumbled out of him pulling Erica through her first crashing waves of ecstasy. Adam reached up sliding his middle and ring finger into her mouth before pushing up on her jaw to lock them between her teeth keeping her moans muffled and quiet. He never thought it would do anything for him before but the rough yanking on his hair and the sharp pain from the bite of her teeth made him harder than he ever remembered being before. Pulling back from her after she released his hair with heavy breaths Adam opened his mouth with a slight ah sound indicating her to open hers and release his fingers. Adam found joy in the blush that coated her features and she quickly opened her mouth to let him go. Erica watched him with labored breaths as Adam pulled his shirt over his head before stopping and snapping his head towards then window.
"Are you okay?" She asked him turning to follow his gaze.
"Lydia." He mumbled to himself before his phone rang.
"I'm sorry... I..." He tried to explain as he answered the phone.
"Stiles?" Adam asked.
"Lydia is gone." He told him in a rushed voice.
"What do you mean she's gone?!" He asked and he rushed to put his shirt back on.
"I mean she is no longer in the hospital, she has flown the coop, ceases to exist in the general area." Stiles rushed out sarcastically.
"Now's not the time, spazz! I'll be there as soon as I can." Adam told him as he hung up the phone.
"I am the worst boyfriend in the world but I-" Adam started trying to come up with an explanation.
"It's okay, I get it. She's like your sister. How did you know though?" Erica asked as she pulled in a shirt he had handed her along with the sweat pants he had dropped before.
"It's... kinda like a... I don't know." He said with a sigh.
"I can still stay here right?" Erica asked him.
"Of course you can. You can always stay here. Do you want it come to the hospital with me? You're more than welcome to stay here and sleep though." Adam asked her.
"I'm a little tired after..." Erica trailed off with a blush. Adam chuckled and nodded his head leaning down and kissing her.
"Text or call me if you need anything, I'll be back soon." He promised her before rushing out the door.
"Dad something came up with Lydia and Erica is sleeping so keep it down!" Adam shouted and to his dad who was standing in the kitchen before rushing out the door.

Adam FinstockWhere stories live. Discover now