Ice Pick

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Waking up on a cold metal table to see Erica curled up in a chair next to him wasn't something Adam had expected.
"Erica?" He called out to her generally as he turned towards her. She jolted awake when his leg brushed against her and jumped up diving into his arms.
"You're okay!" She said into his chest.
"What happened? Where are we?" He asked as he hugged her close.
"You came to my house last night... said you were a werewolf..." She said slowly.
"I did what?!" Adam asked pushing her back slightly to see her face.
"You're a werewolf. The vet said you were acting the way you were because aconitum poisoning. If you hadn't... would you have ever told me?" She asked him. Adam swallowed hard before nodding.
"I think I would have. It's just... it's still new to me and I don't know much about it. I'm not even a normal werewolf and the others like to remind me of that all the time." He told her.
"Others?" She asked.
"Hmm? What others? I don't know any others." He said as he stood up turning his back to her lightly hitting himself on the forehead.
"Look, you don't have to tell me about the others but... at least tell me about you." She said as she walked around him to look him in the eye.
"Okay. After Lydia was attacked at the dance something happened to me and I turned I guess. I was told I was something called a Delta and I still don't know exactly what that means. Durning the full moon when I try and stay human, it's like my insides are on fire... until I think of you." He explained. Erica nodded with a slight smile before pulling him down into a kiss.
"We need to get you home. Your dad called and I told him you were with me and fell asleep because you weren't feeling well." She said holding up his keys and handing them to him.
"What about you? Are you gonna stay with me?" He asked her. Erica shook her head and looked at the time.
"I have to go to school, but I would feel a lot better if you went home and rested." She told him. Adam sighed and nodded.
"At least let me take you home to change and then drop you off?" He asked as they made their way out the back door towards his car. Erica agreed and got in the car.

After letting her change Adam drove back to his house.
"What are you doing? School is the other way." She told him.
"I can't ditch. There is a lot going on and I don't want to leave you alone." He told her before bolting out of the car and inside to change.
"You're unbelievable." Erica said with a shake of her head when he rejoined her.
"I know, but I love you." He told her with a wide teasing smile.

Adam didn't want to let Erica know but his head still throbbed. After waving bye to her with a quick kiss did he finally reach up and rub his temples to hope an ease the pain. He wasn't looking forward to having gym first thing in the morning but it was nice to have a class with Erica.
"You're okay!" Stiles shouted as he shook Adam by the shoulders only to receive a glare in return. 
"My head feels like its gonna explode but physically I'm fine. Erica also knows about me now, so there's that." Adam told him as they stepped into the locker room to change.
"Erica knows?! What did she do? What did she say!" Stiles stressed.
"I don't really know. I passed out after telling her, I guess she had the night to think about it and was pretty level headed when I woke up." He told him.
"That's good then, things are good." Stiles said smiling.
"Yeah but Erica has a few health issues and because of me she was up pretty much all night. I'm worried about her. I tried to get her to stay home with me and rest but she refused so here I am. I don't know what it is but I've been getting this dreadful feeling when I'm around her today." Adam told Stiles as he changed before shutting his locker and bolting out of the room to meet back up with Erica.

Climbing wasn't something that bothered Adam but he knew Erica didn't like heights. 
"Look if you just tell my dad that you don't feel well he'll let you sit it out." Adam told her as she looked up at the rope.
"I'm fine, I can do it." She told him with a shake of her head.
"It's fine if you don't feel well, you didn't get much sleep last night." He said as he brushed some hair out of her face.
"I'm not a damsel so just stop." Erica told him as she pushed his hand away and walked off.
"Maybe not as good as you thought." Stiles called out from behind him.
"Shut up." Adam sighed out as he walked off to join the rest of the class leaving Stiles there with his hands in the air. Adam walked up to them just in time to see Scott fall from the wall and the class start laughing.
"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right here. All right, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go. The wall." Coach said gesturing to them. Stiles looked between Erica and Adam before smiling and practically running up to get into his harness. Adam watched nervously as Erica got half way up the wall and started to panic. He was quick to run up to the edge when she started hyperventilating. 
"Erica, you're okay. You can do this." Adam told her.
"Help, please..." She sobbed out. Adam moved before thinking as he started to climb up the wall next to her, ignoring the shouts from his dad as he did so. Once he reached her he placed one of his knees firmly un er her butt to give her some support as he leaned in to talk to her.
"I'm right here. I can't grab you because I'm not hooked in, but I'm right here. Nothing is gonna happen to you, I'd never let that happen. Look at me, please." Adam spoke lowly and calmly to her.
"I'm fine." She told him. Adam smiled and nodded.
"I know, you are very fine." He said with a wink making her laugh a little.
"The rope will catch you so just push off okay?" He asked her. Eric hesitated before nodding. Adam nodded back before moving his knee so she could drop before climbing down to join her. Erica had already run off to the locker room when Adam got down.
"Shut the fuck up." He told the snickering kids around him before leaving the gym to the locker room as well. 

Adam FinstockWhere stories live. Discover now