Wolf Moon

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(Face claim of Adam is young Ian Somerhalder)

Adam didn't know why he had agreed to ride to school with Jackson

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Adam didn't know why he had agreed to ride to school with Jackson. It was the first day back and his friend was already giving him a lecture on still being single. He had dated a few times before but his last girlfriend had just moved away a few weeks prior and he wasn't too keen on moving on just yet.
"I just need time alright? We were together a year and a half." Adam told him letting his head fall back on the headrest. Jackson seemed to take this answer and stopped pressing the matter. As the school came into view Adam sent a quick text to his dad to let him know they made it. It became a required thing after he and Jackson decided not to show up a few times last year. He wasn't sure why they thought they could get away with seeing as Adam's dad was their coach and teacher. Adam liked to think he was smarter now.
"He still making you do that?" Jackson asked him as Adam slid the phone back into his pocket.
"He never gives me a break you know that. Remember that time I was late to practice and he made me run until I puked?" Adam said wincing at the memory. Jackson however found the memory hilarious and began laughing at his friend's expense. After the car was parked Adam stepped out and whipped his head around when he heard a thud coming from Jackson's side.
"Dude... watch the paint job." Jackson told Scott. Adam felt a little bad at the fact that if Scott wasn't on the lacrosse team he wouldn't know who he was.
"Yo, Jackson, Adam, let's go." A friend of theirs shouted pulling his attention away from Scott. Adam sent him a nod as they passed by hiking his bag further up his shoulder.
"You're a dick." Adam told Jackson with a little laugh as they walked into the school.

The day seemed to drag on from class to class and Adam was ready to fall asleep every time he sat down. It was a short walk from his last class to his dad's room.
"What are you doing here? Everyone is headed to the field." His dad asked when he walked through the door.
"You were going to bring me gear." Adam reminded him leaning against the door frame. Bobby made a realization noise and leaned down and picked up the maroon gym bag and crosse from beside his desk and handed it over to his son.
"Thank you." Adam mumbled taking it from his hands.
"Still not sleeping?" Bobby asked him lowly as they walked down the hall. Adam shook his head no and Bobby sighed. Adam had been suffering from insomnia ever since his mom had died. They were driving late one night on the way home and were t-boned by a truck. She had died on impact and Adam was in a coma for a few weeks after. He didn't remember the crash, it was just what he was told. It was another reason Bobby made him check-in when he didn't ride with him. After changing Adam found Jackson and a few others on the field stretching out a little before practice started.
"How are you feeling?" Danny asked when he noticed the dark rings under his friend's eyes. Adam nodded and sent him a smile in thanks. The whistle blew and they all lined up for goal shots. Adam rolled his shoulders feeling the aches from not sleeping and the catch still in his right one from the accident. He stepped forward and launched the first ball and held his fist over his mouth in a wince when it made contact with Scott's face guard.
"Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!" Someone shouted through the laughter. Adam stepped off to the side after sending Scott an apologetic look. It was replaced with shock as he caught the next ball. Adam laughed slightly when he noticed his father's face mirroring his own. Scott proceeded to catch shot after shot and it got on Jackson's nerves as he pushed his way up the line. Adam sighed knowing full well Jackson was going into it trying to hurt him. Adam watched as the ball left Jackson's stick and Scott caught it. He smiled but then jumped out of his skin when Stiles jumped and shouted behind him. Stiles grabbed Adam on the shoulder jumping up and down.
"That is my friend!" He shouted. Adam gripped his wrist and pulled it away from him and raised a brow at the awkward boy. Stiles gave him an uneasy smile and oddly patted Adam on the back before shuffling away from him. Adam laughed and shook his head looking back out to the field.

Adam had declined Jackson's offer for the ride and found himself in his father's office as he sorted through the homework he was going to hand out the next day.
"Scott got good." Adam said as he dropped down into a chair.
"He did. You think I should play him?" Bobby asked abandoning the papers.
"Don't see why not." Adam told him as he slouched back and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Alright, let's get you home." Bobby said once he noticed his son's state.

The week went by fast and now it was time for the first elimination.
"Let's go! Gather round! Bring it in, come on!" Coach shouted after he blew the whistle. Adam and the rest of the team formed a half-circle around the coach.
"Got a question, McCall?" Coach asked bringing all eyes to said boy.
"What?" Scott asked confused.
"You raised your hand. You have a question?" Coach asked him again.
"Oh... no. I was just, uh... nothing. Sorry." Scott stuttered out.
"Okay. You know how this goes. If you don't make the cut, You're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. You make the cut... you play. Your parents are proud. Your girlfriend loves ya!" He said grabbing someone by their mask facemask and shaking it a little.
"Everything else is, uh... cream cheese. Now get out there and show me whatcha got! Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" He finished sending most of the boys into yells and shouts.

The game went well with Scott flipping over another player to make the final shot.
"Do you want to play this year?" Bobby asked his son on their way home.
"Yeah, mom liked it when she got to watch me play." Adam said letting his head roll over to look out of the window.
"I know, but do you want to?" He asked again worrying about his son's health.
"Yeah, it's the only normal left." Adam mumbled out. Bobby reached over and patted his son on the shoulder to comfort him.

After they made it home Adam showered and dressed for the party at Lydia's. She had basically threatened him if he didn't showing up. She may be small but she was surprisingly scary.
"Remember to text!" Bobby shouted after him as Adam picked up the keys on his way out.
"Promise!" He shouted back sliding into his car. Adam paused for a moment with his hands on the wheel. It would be the first time he had driven since everything happened. The car had been bought for his birthday and his mom died before it was given to him. It had sat in the driveway since. His dad suggested he start trying to drive it over the summer but Adam never got around to it. He slowly turned the key and listened as the car came to life. A hand making contact with the still-open door made him jump.
"You can do it." Bobby said smiling at his son and shutting the door for him. Adam sent his dad a nod and held his breath as he backed out of the driveway. Once he hit the main road his anxiety seemed to calm down and he zoned out while music played softly over the radio. Instead of turning off towards Lydia's house, he kept straight on the road until he came to the white cross on the side of the intersection. Adam pulled over and turned off the car. He sent his dad a quick text letting him know he made it even if it was a lie. Adam got out of the car and sat with his back to the passenger side door while he stared at the cross. It had been a year since she passed and everyone has told him it was time to continue on with his life, maybe they were right.

[I didn't mean for it to get so sad. Thank you so much for reading!]

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