14. सुपात्र

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सुपात्र - Meaning worthy


Pratipada, Chaitra Shukla Paksha, 5000 BCE

"What are you doing here?"

Upon hearing the deep stern voice from behind her, Lakshmi let out a small scream and jumped in fright.With her heart beating wildly in her chest, she whirled around and came face to face with the Yuvaraj of Dwarkawati.

"Dada!" She squeaked out nervously as soon as he stepped out of the darkness and into the light.

"What are you doing here,Lakshmi? And that too so early in the morning?" Balarama asked, eyeing her curiously. The young girl was dressed in the same strange clothes they had found her in, but, this time, the only difference was that she had draped a plain shawl around herself.

"I..I got up early and decided to take a stroll around the palace. I don't know how but when I passed this room I felt something telling me to go inside. That's why I came in. And I am glad I did so." Lakshmi confessed, her eyes darting around the chamber which was actually the personal armoury of Krishna and Balarama.

Her eyes shone as the various weapons gleamed under the light. One weapon, in particular,caught her eye and in a trance like state, she walked towards it and Balarama watched her silently as she lightly brushed her fingers on the smooth dark surface of his younger brother's Saranga bow in utter fascination.

The moment Lakshmi touched the bow fully with her fingers, she gasped at the amount of energy that travelled through her body, from the tip of her hair to the the tip of her toes. Every limb and appendage was buzzing with a high amount of vitality.

"This..this, must be Lord Vishnu's Saranga dhanush!" She mentally concluded, feeling the air around her vibrating and crackling with an immense power. A force that was divine. Almost instantly, her hand retracted and she joined her hands together, bringing her folded palms to her chest.

"ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः" She murmured, closing her eyes in remembrance of Shri Narayan.

"It's a beautiful bow." She said after a minute, glancing back at Balarama who was watching her carefully.

"It is a very powerful weapon," He said quietly and she froze momentarily before turning to face him. "Only people who have a pure soul are able to withstand it's strength." Taking a step forward, he placed both hands on her shoulders before ducking to meet her gaze with his own.

"Just its mere glimpse is enough to strike fear into the hearts of many. " He said in a grave voice, looking deep into her ebony eyes and she gave him a hesitant smile, feeling a shiver run down her spine.

"Anyways," He began, a few moments later, taking a step back and crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Let us come back to my initial question. Why are you roaming around in the palace so early in the morning?" He asked and she instantly averted her eyes to the ground, nervously shuffling her feet.

"And I expect a more honest answer this time." He added sternly.

"I was not able to sleep, so I decided to just get up and take a short walk to clear my head." Lakshmi finally confessed, twisting her fingers together.

The crown prince could clearly see that something was plaguing her mind that was making her restless.

"What is it that troubles you?" He asked in a gentler tone of voice, uncrossing his arms so that she would be a little less intimidated by him.

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