18. अभिशङ्का - २

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अभिशङ्का - Meaning concern


Pratipada, Chaitra Shukla Paksha, 5000 BCE

"Well, back in Kaliyuga, I have already finished my schooling till the age of eighteen years or whatever equivalent it has in this age. I was studying for my further education before I came here." Lakshmi replied.

"I see. And which branch of science were you studying?" Balarama asked.

"Finance and economics."

"So you know Arthashastra. Good. That will help you to understand the affairs of the state much faster. And what about the fine arts?"

"I know a bit of painting and I did learn music for some time. A little bit of cooking here and there. Other than that, I don't know anything else."

"What about any musical instrument?" Rukmini asked curiously and Lakshmi turned to her.

"I can play one instrument, but it has not been invented yet." She replied.

"I see."

"And what about self-defence? This morning, I noticed that you were looking quite engrossed in the weapons in our personal armoury. Are you interested in learning about weaponry?" Balarama asked, catching her attention at once.

"Can I?" She asked, beaming at him.

"You most certainly can. In fact, I have already told Mata and Pitashree that I would love to teach you mace fighting." Balarama replied and Lakshmi felt a wave of excitement wash over her.

"Mace fighting? Wow, but will I be able to lift such a heavy weapon?"

Balarama laughed and replied," Don't you worry about that. You will be using a much smaller version. The type of mace you saw today is mostly used by males. Females, even royal ones, don't learn mace fighting even if they know how to wield other weapons."

"Can I also learn how to use other weapons?"

Upon hearing her question, Balarama felt pleased. He kept a hand on her head and looked straight into her eyes.

"You most definitely can. I promise you."

"Excellent! I want to learn archery, sword fighting, horse riding and self defence!" Lakshmi rattled off, clapping her hands jubilantly.

Krishna and Balarama both laughed at her elation while Rukmini looked faintly surprised.

"And what about sewing, embroidery and such?" Rukmini asked, realising that she had not mentioned either of them.

"I don't know anything other than mending a tear." Lakshmi admitted sheepishly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"My mother never forced me to learn these things and I had never shown any interest in them either. The only thing she taught me was how to mend my own clothes when I was old enough." She added.

"Well, if you are not interested in learning the skill, I suppose there is no point in teaching you. But you did mention you know a bit of cooking," Rukmini commented, looking at her expectantly.

"I did, and luckily, I enjoy it too. I find it quite relaxing after a mentally streneous day. And the fact that I love to eat, makes it even more engaging." Lakshmi replied.

Upon hearing her reply, Rukmini let out a tinkling laugh. Clasping the soft skin of the dark haired girl's cheek in between her thumb and pointer finger, she gently squeezed it.

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