chapter 1

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In Seoul

Man is driving car and many cars are following him. He try to call someone but car hit his car from behind and phone fell from his hand. He turned car towards dark alley but someone shoot bullet on his car tire and car lost balance and hit with pillar. Man come out of car and took out suitcase and phone the start running.

 Man come out of car and took out suitcase and phone the start running

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Man is running like a mad man. He is continually try to call someone but no one picking his call.

Man- pick up my call dumbass.. ...

He again try another number and someone picked his call.

On call:

Man- h..hello yo..ung m..aster, ple... ase he..lp me....

?- how dare you to call me after betrayed me? And why are you breathing heavily?

Man hide behind dustbin and take a breath and said.

Man- please yo..ung master save me and in return I will give you biggest secret of min family.

?- what secret?

Man- it's about a master min yoongi, and if you help me then I will tell you with proof.

?- where are you know?

Man- dark alley, street abc.... please come fast.. they are behind me.

?- just wait for me.

He cut the call. And man feel silence everywhere so he peck behind bin and saw no one. He took sigh of relief and try to adjust his position but accidentally he touched another bin which create noise. He closed his eyes and breath then he opened his eyes and fear rushed in his body after seeing person infront of him.

?- boo!!!!

And that person is none other than.

And that person is none other than

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