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Yn open her eyes

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Yn open her eyes...she is feeling headache....

jimin- finally cheater is wake up.

Yn look in front of her....

Yn look in front of her

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Yn- j.. jimin.... what yo----

Jimin-shhhh.... don't speak.. just listen.

He get up from floor and walk to yn....

Jimin- you and yoongi planned very well but my mom is smarter than cheater--

Yn- stop calling me this...did i even said , i love was you who come behind me and confessed....not me..aaaaaa!!

Jimin hold yn jaw harshly...

Jimin- for you this was game but not for me....i loved you!!!! You know how many girls crazy for me but I only choice you but you ungrateful woman ...if you don't loved me then why you played with me..why?!!!

Yn- because of my love.. yoongi.

Jimin heart break after hearing it....and he is now more angry...

Jimin- love? Where is your love now? Why didn't he come here to save you? You only saw jimin love but now see real devil jimin?

He took Whip from table and walk to yn angrily....yn closed her eyes when jimin hit whip on her.....but she didn't feel any pain and open her eyes and saw tae is hugging her..and Whip hit on him.....he is in pain..

Tae- are you alright?

Yn nodded then he turned to jimin who is shocked..

Yn nodded then he turned to jimin who is shocked

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True heir:- Battle Of Love And Revenge|| MYG & PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now